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Everything posted by baddog

  1. That's the kid who Deion Sanders was letting stay at this house and was helping him out with getting into a college, but the kid went back home or something like that. Can't remember if they are kin.
  2. I didn't see some of the early ones. I hear that some were pretty good though. The best I have seen has to be Dustin Hood. I thought he had a DI arm, but he is doing well with his baseball.
  3. Nice to see a local kid playing in the big leagues on TV.
  4. I agree with bears99. This guy is a sorry S.O.B. for murdering his wife and son, and he is a coward for taking his own life. Roid rage is just something for people to lay this whole thing off on because it makes it easier to digest. I didn't personally know the man, but even if I did, I could not defend him murdering his wife, even if she was unfaithful. Heck, weren't they already divorced? Murder can never be justified. I have had some low points in my life just like I'm sure many others have had also. It never occured to me to harm someone I love in order to suppress the hurt. This man was sick, and he took it to a tragic ending.
  5. Who is this SFA85 dude? People trying to talk about Ned's upcoming season and we have to listen to this crap? What a jerk. Like he's all that.
  6. Hunter Pence is the only offensive bright spot on the Astros. Too bad he can't bat every inning. What a gamer. Even on that towering HR, he sprinted down to 1st base. He gets my vote for rookie of the year.
  7. I think Bird was the best shooter and player in college and pros. As a player, Magic is right there, but Bird was the better shooter. Just because Magic beat Bird for the national title doesn't mean he is a better shooter. JJ Reddick is the best all time 3 point shooter. I think Lamar's Mike Oliver scored the most points in the nation one year. Not sure where he ranks on the career points list
  8. I say Freel caught the ball. I saw it go into his glove, and never saw it hit the ground. How was it ruled?
  9. I'd like to see them bring up some young players just to shake things up a bit. If they had 9 Hunter Pences, they would be tops in their division.
  10. That one's name is junior. You should see his daddy.
  11. This is the mentality I expect from fans such as you. You're so original. LOL!!!!
  12. Send a boy to do a man's job. LOL!!! What will you be doing with your weekends now? I hi-jacked nothing. I was responding to your statement of our getting spanked.
  13. Barking is what we do. If it bothers you, then it is working. Maybe you all could start saying "AARGH!!". Laugh if you will, but it just might work. Ignorant doesn't begin to describe me. People whose team got beat 10-0 and 11-3 within a week's time and talk about other teams getting spanked.....well where is the ignorance? I addressed the situation without once calling you a name. I can now see what level I am dealing with here.
  14. Hey pal, don't talk about anyone getting spanked after you lose 11-3. You have no right. You can't just be satisfied with your season run, you have to try and dish it out to the Dogs. Isn't it weird how success breeds contempt? I have read too many of your posts for you to have anything to say to anyone about class or anything else. Too bad Vidor has fans like you. I know lots of people from Vidor and none of them give me any crapola like you try to dish. I was actually pulling for our district teams to advance, but people like you make it very difficult. You attitude makes it kinda bitter-sweet.
  15. Same place you were last night...with your tail between your legs. Does 10-0 ring a bell?? Congrats to Vidor on a well played game. Too bad you have fans like this.
  16. Try this link from the Kansas City Star where Whitlock writes. The PA News doesn't always have every article available to the internet, especially on same day issue. This is not the same article as the PA News, but you can see the man's stance. Whitlock is a black man who can see beyond his race.... [Hidden Content]
  17. The Port Arthur News has a great "opinion", by Jason Whitlock (Kansas City Star), in the sports section.
  18. I saw the Rutgers players on the news last night. They were all wearing long-sleeved shirts indoors....hmmmmm.
  19. Imus looked like a long-haired, freakin' hippie dope fiend. Gee, can I get fired for that? Here's something to ponder: Next time you see these Rutgers basketball players, let's see if they are wearing long or short-sleeved shirts. I'll bet the house they dress the part.
  20. Thanks guys. I'm too lazy, so I just ask. I scrolled right past 'em.
  21. Why does the basketball player in the video have on long sleeves? DG Scott, I couldn't have said it better. (can I copy/paste it on another forum? I'll not take credit) I wonder what Chris Rock will say when he does his takeoff?
  22. Congrats to Ozen. Didn't see the game. Have to wonder why Dayton tried stealing 2nd with 2 outs. Guess they were just trying to make something happen....still, you don't make your last out stealing 2nd. Does anyone have a standings list?
  23. Guess I'm old school, but the player should have to honor his commitment for the duration of the scholarship. After all, in theory, isn't that what the agreement is? The University will "GIVE" the player an education with all the trimmings if he will play his sport for the school? What a sad, sad situation for this man should he become a multi-millionaire at the ripe old age of 22 instead of 19. What was I thinking?
  24. No, I'm not moody, this is the way I feel. You got me dead to rights, I have no plan "B". However, this does not exclude me from disagreeing with plan "A". Htexan and Sports, I know where you are coming from and I feel something has to be done too, but I still think there are ways to find the source of the drugs and cut them off as a better deterrent than invading the rights of innocent kids. I know this is not something you want to hear, but it is the way I feel. I'm not just being argumentative. This is my last post on the subject. You know my views. I'll end it by saying going after the user to solve the drug problems is like car-pooling to bring down gas prices. It may help a little, but the price still goes up.
  25. Seriously, send them to parenting school and maybe they can pass some stupid "test" the government has dreamed up to deem them fit to be parents. It's nice to see you have no suggestions of your own. Must be a "yes" man. Just discredit my opinion and leave it at that. Just because I don't agree with you, then I must be wrong. Do you have kids? If not, then sit down. To stop the drug problem, you have to start at the top. Where are these kids getting the drugs? Ahhh, too much money to be made on both sides of that equation, but it's a start. After the kid is kicked off the team, are we implementing a counseling program at school (another parenting responsibility dumped in someone else's lap)? How isolated that kid must be. Yeah, I know, he shouldn't have done it, but still too negative for a teenager to have to deal with. Kids need positive stimuli. Are you really naive enough to think that catching a few kids will stop the drug problem? Please, come back and talk to me when you are armed with a better solution than random-testing drug-free kids.
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