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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I'm undecided...check this out for a 40 year old pitcher. [Hidden Content],pos=P,team=010
  2. Me too. I'll be eating turkey or ham for about a week. My wife makes the best cornbread dressing and giblet gravy (half of my plate). I really need to eat like this year 'round.
  3. This is nothing new to either team. You are not going to play the ranked teams in Texas only in the later rounds. They are there from the start for some. If you are going to win the state title, you are going to have to beat these types of teams sooner or later. If you beat them early, the road could go downhill.. Hopefully, that's the case. Good luck to all area teams.
  4. Already had seconds...watching the Cowboys...will eat again, then dessert.
  5. Well, that settles it then. I sure was close for a guess.
  6. Trying to figure out how some people get a 'cush' job like that? Does your Dad own the business? :roll:
  7. Happy Thanksgiving. We all have lots to be thankful for. Enjoy the holiday with your friends and family. Say a prayer for our troops everywhere.
  8. With the past RBs Nederland has had, this really speaks volumes. Congrats Micah.
  9. Awesome, Dravannti deserved that for sure. Didn't see the stats on either, but I was at the Ned. game and Dravannti was amazing. Congrats to Thomas.
  10. When the center stands up and hands the ball to the QB, wouldn't that be a false start?
  11. Much better. Just what is it about my opinion that makes you so strongly disagree? Nothing I said is ridiculous. Some team's best game will not overcome the competition. I think WOS, Dayton, and Newton's can.
  12. Ah, so true my friend. I can get my opinion across without the aid of the caps lock key. Why are you screaming?
  13. Not really. If WOS and Dayton play their game, I see them beating any opponent. Lots of your other teams will simply be outmatched. This is only round 2. Sorry, I left out Newton too.
  14. There are too many factors in any game to make it come down to one matchup. Wow, Halliburton strikes again. If he really knew anything about football, then he would know that your better coaches do not run away from players such as this, they run it right at them. LC and Nederland both have too many other good players to just focus on one. Like we haven't played any other teams with a good DE. Give me a break.
  15. The only thing stopping WOS or Dayton is themselves.
  16. Isn't that a defensive lineman from Lumberton posing for that pic? He looks like he is used to throwing them in alright.
  17. I think he was being facetious. Nederland never backs down or lays down like some teams I have seen..
  18. Now we are talking. I posted earlier that LC beat LM, but it was Houston Lamar (5A) who beat LM, correct? My bad. The way we played last game with such intensity, we have a chance to win against anyone.
  19. Not really. So GP wouldn't make the playoffs in any other district? Simply amazing. How can anybody possibly know that? This is the playoffs. Whoever lines up across from us, deserves to be there and we should try our best to take it to them. I refuse to lessen the validity of our wins by belittling the opponent. If for some reason, the opponent is outmatched, then the score should reflect that fact....voila....48-7. It does not, however, indicate that every team in our district could duplicate that effort.
  20. Dravanti Johnson....Nederland. Don't have any stats on him but I know he was in GP's backfield all night.
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