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Everything posted by Maverick12

  1. it wasn't unprofessional, it was the truth. From what i understand the AD has tried to get something done, but is dealing with a not so educated school board. If you don't want the truth spoken don't put yourself in a position to be spoken about
  2. it wasn't poorly run; heard some teams dropped out yesterday. Plus they could only use 6 lanes cause of the poor track condition...great teams, great athletes, exciting races but the quality of the track was horrible,(you can put make up on a pig, but it is still a pig) The girl's triple jump was halted due to the condition of the run way.
  3. thats what i understand...wonder where the money is? from what i here it was not the school who paid for a repaired sign that should have been hurricane insurance related. why is that wos has had so many business managers?
  4. why is it that WO-S is actively not trying to keep good coaches around? i mean from what i understand the pay is not comparable to other schools in the area, the administration doesn't help and yet these coaches continue to break their necks for these kids...athletics gave me the chance to continue my education as well as 3 or 4 hundred others from this school.
  5. their jv won district so their better than all the other jvs so what do u mean
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