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About AledoBearcatsCO2014

  • Birthday 07/19/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Aledo, TX / San Marcos, TX
  • Interests
    High school football, college football, and the NFL.

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  1. I just want to say, to be a Democrat you would have to be crazy.  What about redistribution and raising minimum wage to $15 sounds good? Congratulations, cost us so many jobs. :lol:
  2. Choir, Band, Acting, etc.
  3. There's so much to disprove evolution. So that's why I'm a young earth creationist, and I have complete confidence in the written Word of God.
  4. Are sports more important than fine arts, or fine arts more important than sports? I was having an argument about this and am interested to hear everyone's opinion.
  5. JV, are you a young earth creationist, old earth creationist, or theistic evolutionist? I myself am a young earth creationist.
  6. @PAMFAM10 You are quite naïve if you honestly believe the governments only looking to help us.
  7. They weren't saying that every conservative is a Christian.  If I remember correctly, about 73% of conservatives claim to be Christian and 47% of liberals claim to be Christian.
  8. @mat It is not that hard to avoid making mistakes in terms of having children... I made it all the way through high school without even coming close to having sex... Not that hard to keep it in your pants.
  9. In God's eyes they are equal, we have just decided to assign different severities based off of the emotional toll it leaves. Anyway though, obviously I was using the "legalize beastality" as an exaggeration to explain this: Our job is to try to lead people down the right path, and legalizing gay marriage just tells them that the wrong path that leads to death and destruction is okay, which it's not.
  10. They both completely go against nature and how God intended sexual relations to be. So no, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever.
  11. I still think we have to legalize marrying animals if we legalize gay marriage.  Since you claim that we should not let the government define marriage, we should also allow people to marry animals.
  12. Man makes mistakes, but God doesn't. God would not allow the Bible to have any mistakes in it.
  13. God would not allow the Bible to continue as it is if it were not all directly inspired by him.  He reveals himself through the Bible, and if someone was misrepresenting that, he would do something about it.
  14. You can't pick and choose parts of the Bible to believe... You're either all in or you're out. It's like saying I believe in Santa, but I don't believe in reindeer.
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