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  1. Well i was going to play with Peter Neymer, but i didn't hear from him. So me and Sagar decided to play together. We thought it would be fun considering we are probably the youngest in the open events.
  2. Well i decided to play in the mens open singles and mens open doubles. Shelia says that there is another lady that wants to play, so i might be playing mixed opens with her.
  3. Well even though its about a 2 minute drive for me haha, I still enjoy my time with Jerry. He also coaches adult leagues. And his 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 ladies advanced to the sectionals tournament. AND WE ARE RESURFACING AS WE SPEAK. They will be done in the next week. Dark red on the inside and dark green on the outside. We are truely excited and we can't wait to hit the new courts. If you are interested in coming out to Jerrys let me know. He has junior lessons Mon-Thur 4-5:30. And I am a frequent member out there. AND EVERYONE IS INVITED.
  4. I believe Hardin-Jefferson had another winner in 1965. And the Krawl brothers did something in state. I don't remember if they won it, but i do remember hearing they did. HJ has had at least 2 state champions. And im not 100% sure on how many state finalists, but i think it was 1 or 2 as well.
  5. Well me and Brad both took from Ron Wesbrooks. We took there for a whole year, but only once a week. And Ron was great! Brad went off and took from Russel too, and i took from Jerry Creamer. I really do believe people look over Jerry. Noone knows about him beacause he is out of Beaumont. He coaches at Idylwild Country Club in Pinewood. And has at one time coached Tony and David. They may not say it, but trust me they have. Most coaches in Beaumont dislike Jerry, and they tell there students that. He is never invited to the SETX meetings, and is barely recognized in ANYTHING. I have taken from almost all the pros, and if i haven't taken from them, then i have seen them coach. And there are NO bad coaches, but Jerry is someone that you need to try. He is a great coach and i think he is one of the best in the area. Sorry if you don't agree, but why dont you come take from him and see what you think for yourself.
  6. Im not going to vote for myself, but i will say all the seeds with hold up
  7. Did you know that people who get on here and talk crap on THEMSELVES have small egos and have to TRY and talk trash to catch back up. If you want my personal opinion about this i will tell you. I think that the ETA is overrated, but did i say it was bad, NO! I don't think the tennis program out there is that INTENSE. But i do think it is a good program to make friends and have LOCAL competition. I personally have been to the #2 tennis academy in America(Saddlebrook in Tampa BAy). And that level is on another planet on the level here. And athlete5 is just trying to bring comedy into this and yall are all teaming up on him. I think athlete5 has some good points. And aeropro chill out a lil bitand learn to live a little. ITS JUST A FREAKING JOKE.
  8. Once again not talking crap on anybody! But how many coaches have you been to Boone? I personally have hit with Russel, Ron, David, Jerry, A Big Pro in Houston (Chris Jackson at Houston City Club), and i have seen Tony give a lesson to my friend Jared Dickerson and i have seen jorge give a lesson. And personally Tony would be a lil down in the rankings on my list. He did not help Jared what so ever. Tony completely changed his grip and never corrected his swing. After 2 lessons, Jared came out to Jerry and was back to square one. Jerry had to take him off to the side for about and hour just to fix the grip and swing. Now once again, NOT TALKING CRAP, but this is my opinion. Ron Wesbrooks is the best coach in this area, but Jerry Creamer is right on up there, and im not just saying that because their my coaches. I started with Jerry, and then tested them all out and i really didn't like what i saw besides Jerry and Ron. But Chris Jackson would have to be the best coach i have ever learned from. And see i can give my opinion on this because i have seen or learned from almost all the coaches in the area.
  9. Ok, I am not talking crap on Tony, but what makes him so great? Yall talk about him like he is a God. I will say he has a well balanced team, but come on now. I could talk about how great i think Jerry Creamer is, but i don't. BUT HES NOT GOD! Get down to reality, if he was a GODLY tennis coach, then why is there always a hand full of people from other coaches who always win! But remember im not dissin Tony, because hes a good guy and probably a pretty good coach. But I think there is better in this area. "Cough Jerry Creamer Cough Ron Wesbrooks Cough"
  10. Ok well let me tell you this, i play with Brad alot and hes a good player. There are rumors of him moving to Hardin-Jefferson, so lets hope he does well there in school and can play. Unfortunately, he has been unable to compete in high school tennis the past few years. But i think he could do alot better out at HJ. And who knows he might do some damage in the 3A bracket. Here would be my list. 1)Deaver-Strong won't lose a set all year 2)Desai-Will come close to beating deaver, but will not succeed. Will finish 2nd most of the tourneys. 3)Legato- Sporatic, but when ON a great player. 4)Bug- Never played him, but has some potential. But i have him in 4th due to lack of experience. 5)Herr- Never seen play, but i hear good things. 6)Boone- Can be a great player, i have played him twice and both were tough first sets, but after the 1st he went away. He can be dominant though, if he works on his game. He needs to start playing alot of matches to get his confidence up. 7)Carnley-The Supriser 8)I would put Wehner, but i don't know how he plays. He is an 18s champ though. And watch out for the #7 Carnley, i might have underated him. I am just going by what i've seen, but i haven't played him since two years ago. So i would think he would be alot better of a player now. And if any of you want to come down to Pinewood or want to play in beaumont and get some matches going, I would be up for that. And I have a very good mixed and guys doubles partner, so if any of you are interested in some doubles let me know. I will be staying at Lamar this year, and i will be playing adult leagues. So i will be playing, if you ever need someone to hit with, give me a call or message me on here. Peace
  11. Either call me at 4097826975 or email me at [email protected] with names who want to play, and i will give you the information.
  12. Hey everyone, if you want to play in a ping pong tournament let me know. I am having one on July 10th. And most tennis players play ping pong, so i just thought i would ask. If you want let me know at 4097826975
  13. personally you can't knock it till you try it
  14. haha sportsfan07, stop talking crap on here. Im sorry guys this guy is one of my good friends. He does know what he is talking about, but he just blows it out of proportion.
  15. Well thanks swampdude, i enjoy acting and i hope you enjoyed my acting too haha. May i ask for your name, you dont have to send it to me here, you can send it to my email at [email protected]. IF YOU ARE WHO I THINK YOU ARE, THEN YOU ARE MY HERO!
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