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Everything posted by minicko88

  1. But yall are making statments towards me that makes it seem like yall are saying i suck. Which would then entail that he isn't good either. And congradulations if he does give me a challenge. I am just tired of being bashed on here so i decided to do something about it. Now look i dont think im god at tennis, because i do this for FUN, not for competition. This is fun for me, but yall are trying to take things away from that. I like competition, i dont like to go out and just completely kill someone. So if he gives me competition, why dont he come out and play me. And then lets have fun and get over it. Stop whining about whos not good, the question was who was the best not who you dont think is the best. To answer the question it is Deaver and Aranda.
  3. People need to realize that everyone on here takes from some of these coaches. And to bash one of them is just like someone bashing your own coach. Everyone has a different opinion on coaches, i personally believe that Jerry Creamer is an amazing coach, and im not just saying that becuz i take from him. I have taken from alot of them and he is one of the best ones. Every coach has something to bring to the table, or else they wouldn't be a coach. Be a little respectful and lets become more mature. ACT YOUR AGE
  4. Hello everyone, I think its obvious who this is! But i felt the need to try to defend myself when i saw these posts about me. First off i would like to say Deaver is an amazing player and congradulations on the victory. He deserved it and he is playing at a high level. I will do my best to compete, but he has a huge edge. Second off, to everyone who has been bashing me on here, you must not really know me because i would never talk bad about any of you, but im guessing im going to have to so i can defend myself. Babalot2 if you say that there is noone in this area who is good to compete with me, but 5 of us can beat you does that not make you bad? Look im not trying to bash, but i felt the need to come on here and straighten this out. I will admit Deaver is a better player than me. There i said it, but this doesn't mean im not going to give it my all to beat him. We are all good friends and good people you need to stop bashing everyone on here and deal with your own lives.
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