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Everything posted by dd1

  1. The 'no new inning" ploy is something that tournament directors use to make you think you are playing longer games.  The reality is that there is no difference between having a 1 hour and 15 minute time limit and finish the inning as there is with a 1 hour 20 minute time limit but no new inning will start with less than 5 minutes left in the game.  It just sounds longer.  javascript:void(0);
  2. Camp Information (high school grades 9-12) January 24th from 8am-9am SHSU Huntsville, TX Softball Stadium Camp Schedule: 9am to 4pm with lunch break from 12:00pm-1:15pm Please bring sack lunch Cost: $75 per camper Other Notes: Bring a copy of recent physical If weather is bad, camp will be moved indoors CAMP FEATURES Individual Position and Hitting Instruction Special Position Instruction includes: Pitchers, Catchers, etc Speed and Conditioning Training: Players will learn ways to improve their running form Player will learn valuable exercises to improve speed and agility. CAMP CLINICIANS Bob Brock, Head Softball Coach Selena Collins, Assistant Softball Coach Sam Houston Bearkat Softball Team Bob Brock (936).890.4464, [email protected] Mail payment to: (sorry…no personal checks) Bob Brock Bearkat Softball 82 Tubac Conroe , TX .77304
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