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Everything posted by joemike

  1. Is he going Football or Baseball ?
  4. 14 kids are not from SP,my point is made.(majority not living in the district)They are students that live in PAISD that chose not to attend PAISD after the merger.SP could not field a varsity team if were not for those students.The downfall of PAISD has helped SP,that is what I was saying. The parents of these students have made great sacrifices to attend SP.I applaud them. This is a very unique situation.
  5. The 1A district better look out for the Sharks,the more PAISD goes down hill the more the more athletes decide to go to SP.I would bet that there is not 6 kids on the team that Live or Lived in SP. PAISD's demise is what is keeping SP to be able to field a team.
  6. Why is it Deweyville always plays the small schools in preseason,you are not gaining anything by beating a team with 18 players. Why not step up and challenge your team.If you watch Newton,EC,CC they do not choose the push overs in preseason.It pays off in the long run,look at their records.Try a 2a or 3a team an learn where you are at.
  7. Our prayers are with the younger Daigle boy,we hope he is doing well.
  8. Hey 86 any word on the injuries (who?) and who has left the Team? That will not be bashing,just stating facts. I went by their practice the other day and they are ENORMOUS on the OL. AVG 270+ I would say. Why are they not able to score?
  9. 1st our prayers are with the young player. With the huge Experienced O-line,Returning backfield,7 starters returning on Def. whats going on.They have not done very well against 2 2a teams.Lets hear from someone that knows,is it going to be a long year?
  10. HF players have to pay over $300 to workout for the summer,what happens to the kids that could not come with the $300?
  11. I think Hallmark played with Texas Lone Star in Houston in the fall,don't know if he is still there.
  12. 2a- I would have to go with P-B.Hillen - Buna C-J.Hallmark-EC
  13. EC's JT Hallmark,Soph- catcher/utility-6-HR's -I believe leading the district in RBIs.
  14. Post your choice for your early pick for your districts MVP !Who is standing out from the rest.Lets see who is right at the end of season.
  15. I stated that the coach knows the game and he does, The program #'s are down are a parent thing are you kidding me,why did'nt more kids come out? From what I understand If the football players #'s are down it is the coaches fault and he gets fired so that is a great analogy on your part.A coach is only as smart as how he can communicate with his players. If he can not get his message across to his players his message is mute. A retired high-school would not have printer such crap, It is obvious that you do not have a clue so I will consider the source.There is a bigger problem,see the big picture.
  16. HF will strugle a little bit this year.Tuff District-He has to learn to keep the Dads out of the mix.He knows BB.If they would let him put kids where they belong instead of where dad wants,they will be a lot better.The program #'s or down and enrollment is up,. 3 or 4 years back they had 3 teams,now two.Last year HF only had 2 fresh. play baseball there is a problem somewhere.
  17. I don't know what happened to the coach,but they did'nt look real sharp against EC Tuesday.
  18. And the same goes for steroids, but that's not how it works in the real world. Where there is a will there is a way. If you check the other states that have been testing there have been 0 positive test. You have your head stuck in the sand if you believe those results. This is a political payoff for someone with 0 results for the students. The testing company stands to make a huge amount of money for the next 2 years. And one or several politicians stand to receive huge contributions. The Senator that authored this Bill has already resigned, I don't think he is worried about it and he is a Doctor. This is a feel good law that will have no results. Education should be the focus not $6 million worth of testing.
  19. There seem to be a few substances missing from the list--HGH being one that is getting all the publicity in pro sports. University Interscholastic League (UIL) Anabolic Steroid List The UIL Anabolic Steroid List includes the substances listed below which meet the description of Anabolic Steroid contained in section 481.104 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. The 2008-2009 Anabolic Steroid List will be posted prior to August 1, 2008. UIL Anabolic Steroid List androstenediol methandrostenolone androstenedione methenolone boldenone methyltestosterone chlorotestosterone (4-chlortestosterone) mibolerone clostebol methandriol dehydrochlormethyltestosterone nandrolone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) norandrostenediol dihydrotestosterone (DHT) norandrostenedione dromostanolone norethandrolone drostanolone oxandrolone epitrenbolone oxymesterone ethylestrenol oxymetholone fluoxymesterone stanolone formebulone stanozolol gestrinone testolactone mesterolone testosterone* methandienone tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) methandranone trenbolone and any substance, such as a compound or metabolite, that is chemically or pharmacologically related to testosterone, other than an estrogen, progestin, or corticosteroid, and promotes muscle growth. Nutritional / Dietary Supplement Information Many questions have arisen regarding the UIL alert in reference to the possibility of contamination of nutritional/dietary supplements. As indicated in the alert, the contents and purity of nutritional / dietary supplements are NOT tested closely or regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As such, UIL is making student athletes and parents aware of the possibility of supplement contamination and the potential effect on a student athletes’ steroid test. UIL does not approve or disapprove supplements. Contaminated supplements could lead to a positive steroid test. The use of supplements is at the student-athlete’s own risk. Student-athletes and interested individuals with questions or concerns about these substances should consult their physician for further information. Student athletes must be aware that they are responsible for everything they eat, drink and put into their body. Ignorance and/or lack of intent are not acceptable excuses for a positive steroid test result.
  20. I was asking about HF BB,I heard that the AD was not going to let the BB coach cut anyone. If he is going to be judged on wins and loses this is a load of crap. This is high school BB not LL. The next thing that is coming is unhappy parents about playing time. when you have to carry 15-18 players on a team. I just wanted to hear from someone from HF and see what others thought about not being able to cut players. That is all I was asking, touched a nerve somewhere
  21. What happened to my reply, I did not mention anyone's name. I was posing a question to see if what I heard about the HF program not being able to cut anyone was true. I do not see the harm in that. I must have hit a nerve with someone.????? That is what this thread is about.
  22. It would scare you to learn how many NISD students live in PAISD.There has been a mass exodus to the neighboring districts of PAISD. HFISD,NISD,PNGISD &Sabine Pass. Sabine Pass could not field their sports teams if it were not for PAISD students that transferred to SP after the merger.The families that could not move for one reason or the other have found a way to get their kids into a better situation.A student athlete must sit out 15 school days in order to be eligible for varsity sports once they move into the district. After attending the district one year they do not have to reside in the district to be eligible under the UIL.But local attendance requirements will override the UIL one year rule. Why anybody in their right mind would move to PAISD is beyond me.
  23. Congrats! we were talking about 24-1A,where did this other stuff come from. Where is the list of 24-1A all-district Team? bits and pieces have been posted,but not the Team.Well Coop?Get busy
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