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Everything posted by joemike

  1. How about posting the rest of the AD Team.
  2. Where are local 1A all-district picks? They are not even listed on the state site
  3. Skip Allen W/ Lone Star Baseball has a 16u & 18u teams that play tourn. in and around Houston during the fall about every other weekend and works with the football players. I know there is a Kid from EC or HF on his 16u team.You will see some of the best players in Houston in these tourn.
  4. When are they going to publish the entire list? I heard there were some shockers.
  5. I don't think so,they would have to stop recruiting(oops)-sorry offering scholarships or finanical aid to the underprivileged athlete/student.
  6. ec=50 hardin- 29 344 left in the 4th
  9. EC=12 H-0 1:30 LEFT IN THE 1ST
  10. I hope this was a joke,They have not made the playoffs in 4 years.They can't make the playoffs this year even if they win.Skip round ball and go to Baseball.
  11. EC had 5 turnovers against a very good buna team last week and still won. If EC can hang on to the ball they will blow them out.If not it will be close. TT will get some rest in the third Qtr.Game should be over by then. I say EC-38 Kountze-14
  12. It's something to shoot for,but BC could happen and should.K-ville is another story,not gonna happen.I hear HF is already getting ready for Baseball.
  13. You must be on some good stuff to come to that conclusion.The game is over and everyone can read the paper and score board,EC won . The are alot of things that went bad for both teams. What if there was no int, thrown or fumbles by either team,would the outcome be different,who knows.The fact is EC won and right now is the best team in the district.Go BUCS
  14. What was the deal with the Buna player getting ejected? He was a lineman,but I did nit see what happened.
  15. ec-14 buna-7 end of 1st qtr
  16. what happened to the thread about Mangan gets what he deserves, He or his asst. did not check on one of his players in the hospital from the previous week.All of the sudden the thread is gone. somebody bring us up to date,
  17. BUNA - 21 KOUNTZE--14 FINAL
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