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Everything posted by deuces

  1. I believe softball is playing in Woodville not baseball
  2. 1 year in 2017...............
  3. 44 signed up and about 37 active who will be able to call. 10 of those are brand new guys We sevice 45 school from hHgh Islamd to Onalaska over to Hemphill and down to Sabine Pass. We had 60 last year and could not cover all the games. You do the math
  4. When beau stopped helping with the Beaumont chapter is when they started to go down hill. The direction the Beaumont chapter has taken soon they will be no more and will be taken over by the Houston chapter.
  5. mostly procedural type stuff.
  6. this is the rule: Timing Adjustments—ARTICLE 2 Approved Ruling 3-2-2 I. At halftime the score is 56-0. The coaches and the referee agree that the third and fourth quarters should be shortened to 12 minutes each. The coaches also request that the second half be played with a “running clock,” i.e., that the game clock not be stopped. RULING: The remaining quarters may be shortened to 12 minutes each. However, the “running clock” is not allowed; normal clock rules apply for the entire game. That being said as long as both coaches agree they just run the clock in high school.
  7. 12s ned 5 groves 6 final bridge city 10 orange 5 final JRs vidor 10 orange 4
  8. this game will resume at 5pm in port neches. groves over hampshire 2-0 called in the fifth due to weather. game 12: the winner of game 10 will play groves after the completion of game 10. game 12 will be hosted by the winner of game 10 lets see what mother nature will throw our way tomorrow.
  9. BC over HF 17-0 ORANGE over PN 9-6 GROVES over VIDOR 13-4
  10. 5-4 orange 15-2 PN PA dropped out HF got a bye game 3 and NED will get a bye in game 6. 13-0 BC
  11. port neches over groves 1-2 in 9 innings. Groves Eliminated
  12. if you need scores or anything else about dist 32 message me.
  13. It was sarcasm. When SC was hired by PNG all the PNG faithful complained that he was a FOOTBALL coach who also coached baseball. If you have ever been around SC or his family you would know he is a BASEBALL coach who also coaches football.
  14. That is a lot of wins for a FOOTBALL coach........
  15. Yes PG is a delayed ball but not in NFHS. Also I believe PG allows the hybrid stance which means the pitcher would not need to come set with no-one on.
  16. per NFHS rules if the pitcher in in the stretch position he has to come set no matter if their are runners on base or not. if he does don't come set this a illegal pitch (immediate dead ball) and a BALL will be awarded to the batter. with runners on this is a (illegal pitch) balk and a immediate dead ball. I know PG has some modifications to the NFHS pitching rules, was this a high school game or PG
  17. per NFHS rules “6.2.4 SITUATION I: With R3 on third base, F1 starts his pitching motion and B2 requests "Time," but the umpire does not grant "Time." B2 steps out of the batter's box with both feet and (a) F1 delivers a pitch, (b) does not deliver the pitch or (c) throws a wild pitch. RULING: (a) The umpire shall call two strikes on B2, one on the pitch, and one for stepping out of the box. In (b), the umpire shall call a strike on B2 for stepping out of the batter's box. The balk is nullified. In (c), two strikes shall be called on B2, one on the pitch and one for stepping out. The ball remains live. (7-3-1 PENALTY)” “7.3.1 SITUATION 😧 B1 steps out of the batter’s box (a) without requesting time, or (b) after he has requested time, or (c) fails to enter batter’s box within 20 seconds. RULING: In (a), the umpire shall call a strike if he feels B1 delayed the game. In (b), if the umpire grants time, the 20-second count will begin again as soon as the ball is declared “live.” If time is not granted by the umpire and B1 steps out of the batter’s box, a strike shall be called on B1 if he delays the game. In (c), the umpire shall call a strike. The pitcher does not have to throw a pitch.” If the pitch is thrown it will called a strike no matter where it goes. The second strike is not automatic but can be called if the umpire judges the batters actions to have delayed the game. So yes a batter with one strike on him will be called out on strikes if he steps out of the box, a pitch is thrown and he is judged to have delayed the game.
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