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Everything posted by deuces

  1. livingston 4 hamshire-fannett 19 final in 5 innings
  2. 9-1 woodville
  3. West Brook, HF, Evadale, Vidor and Northside. Thursday 12:15 Evadale vs HF 2:30 Evadale vs West Brook 4:45 Northside vs Vidor 7:00 Northside vs West Brook Friday 12:15 Evadale vs Northside 2:30 West Brook vs HF 4:45 Vidor vs HF 7:00 West Brook vs Vidor Saturday 10:00 Northside vs HF 12:15 Vidor vs Evadale
  4. Was the jasper series an upset? I thought jasper was suppose to be pretty good.
  5. Madisonville was up 8-7 going into the top of the 7th when the game went into a weather delay.
  6. The little league catchers box is a lot wide than a standard box. They were never out of the box. [Hidden Content]. There is more to the rule than just being out of the box
  7. Most officials leave because of internal politics. Very few leave because of coaches, players or fans.
  8. I thought Carter was a football coach who just coached baseball on the side.
  9. Here is a case play that is close to the question you asked ump1. 

    “5.1.1 SITUATION A: With runners on first and third base and no outs, R1 and R2 proceed with a double steal, B3 hits a high pop fly over foul territory and the wind starts to carry the ball into fair territory. The umpire-in-chief prematurely calls foul ball as F2 makes the attempt to catch the ball. He drops the ball in fair territory. RULING: The fact that the ball touches the ground has made the ball dead and the umpire sends R1 and R2 back to their respective bases.”

    Bottom line if the umpire calls it foul it is always foul unless the ball is caught in the air.

    1. BC87


      That is what I thought.  Thanks for the info.

  10. the game lasted almost 7 hours
  11. You have to love a rule that talks about imaginary lines.
  12. Because it did not meet this definition: “ART. 1 . . . A fair ball is a batted ball which: a. settles on fair territory between home and third base or between home and first base; or b. contacts fair ground on or beyond an imaginary line between first and third base; or c. is on or over fair ground when bounding to the outfield past first or third base; or d. first falls on fair ground on or beyond first or third base; or e. touches first, second or third base; or f. while on or over fair territory, touches the person of an umpire or player, their clothing or equipment; or g. while over fair ground passes out of the playing field in flight. 1. A fly ball or line drive, which passes over or inside first or third base in flight and curves to foul ground beyond such base, is not a fair hit; but a hit which goes over or through the fence is a fair hit if it is over fair ground when it leaves the field. ”
  13. That is pretty impressive for a football coach.
  14. “ART. 2 . . . The bat shall have the following characteristics and components. a. Each legal wood, aluminum or composite bat shall: 1. Be one piece, multi-pieces and permanently assembled, or two pieces with interchangeable barrel construction. 2. Not have exposed rivets, pins, rough or sharp edges or any form of exterior fastener that would present a hazard. 3. Be free of rattles, dents, burrs, cracks and sharp edges. Bats that are broken, altered or that deface the ball are illegal. Materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the bat specifications and/or enhance performance are prohibited and render the bat illegal. b. Each legal wood, aluminum or composite bat shall have the following components: 1. Knob. The bat knob shall protrude from the handle. The knob may be molded, lathed, welded or permanently fastened. Devices, attachments or wrappings are permitted except those that cause the knob to become flush with the handle. A one-piece rubber knob and bat grip combination is illegal. 2. Handle. The bat handle is the area of the bat that begins at, but does not include, the knob and ends where the taper begins. 3. Barrel. The barrel is the area intended for contact with the pitch. The barrel shall be round, cylindrically symmetric, with a smooth contour. The barrel may be aluminum, wood or composite (made of two or more materials). The type of bat (wood, aluminum or composite) shall be determined by the composition of the barrel. 4. Taper. The taper is an optional transition area which connects the narrower handle to the wider barrel portion of the bat. Its length and material may vary but may not extend more than 18 inches from the base of the knob. 5. End Cap. The end cap is made of rubber, vinyl, plastic or other approved material. It shall be firmly secured and permanently affixed to the end of the bat so that it cannot be removed by anyone other than the manufacturer, without damaging or destroying it. By definition, a one-piece construction bat does not have an end cap. c. Each bat not made of a single piece of wood shall: 1. Have a safety grip made of cork, tape (no smooth, plastic tape) or commercially manufactured composition material. The grip must extend a minimum of 10 inches, but not more than 18 inches, from the base of the knob. Slippery tape or similar material shall be prohibited. Resin, pine tar or any drying agent to enhance the hold are permitted only on the grip. Molded grips are illegal. 2. Be 2 5/8” or less in diameter at thickest part and 36 inches or less in length. 3. Not weigh, numerically, more than three ounces less than the length of the bat (e.g., a 33-inch-long bat cannot be less than 30 ounces). d. Bats that are not made of a single piece of wood shall meet the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) performance standard, and such bats shall be labeled with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark. No BBCOR label, sticker or decal will be accepted on any non-wood bat. The certification mark shall be rectangular, a minimum of one inch on each side and located on the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color to read: “BBCOR .50.” NOTE: The NFHS has been advised that certain manufacturers consider alteration, modification and "doctoring" of their bats to be unlawful and subject to civil and, under certain criminal action. ART. 3 . . . A bat made of a single piece of wood may be roughened or wound with tape not more than 18 inches from the handle end of the bat. No foreign substance may be added to the surface of the bat beyond 18 inches from the end of the handle. Each bat made of a single piece of wood shall be: a. 2¾ inches or less in diameter at the thickest part b. 36 inches or less in length ART. 4 . . . Only bats may be used in warming up (including weighted bats used for this purpose) at any location. Only bats and items designed to remain part of the bat, such as weighted bats, batting donuts, and wind-resistant devices are legal at any location. ART. 5 . . . Bats that are altered from the manufacturer’s original design and production, or that do not meet the rule specifications, are illegal (See 7-4-1a). No artificial or intentional means shall be used to control the temperature of the bat. No foreign substance may be inserted into the bat. Bats that are broken, cracked or dented or that deface the ball, i.e., tear the ball, shall be removed without penalty. A bat that continually discolors the ball may be removed from the game with no penalty at the discretion of the umpire.”
  15. Meeting Wednesday at 7pm.
  16. What is the number for 14 points?
  17. TASO Beaumont is looking for umpires. The links below will provide further information. If you love high school sports this is your chance to get involved. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  18. Isn't the East Texas chapter in Longview? That is a long way to drive for meetings. D.F. if you really are a TASO member then you know not to get on a public forum and bash other officials.
  19. What chapter and sport do you officiate?
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