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Everything posted by deuces

  1. If you are using high school rules. NFHS rule 8.4.2. Any runner is out when he: “d. dives over a fielder; or PENALTY: The runner is out and the ball remains live unless interference occurs and is declared.” “e. initiates malicious contact; 1. Malicious contact always supersedes obstruction. Runner(s) will be awarded appropriate base(s) per umpire’s judgment.”
  2. this league use to cost the kids less than $50 dollars to play 10 games during the summer. what are the reasons for the mark up?
  3. 2-3a underclassmen and 4-6a seniors played tonight. Wednesday 4-6a underclassmen and 2-3a seniors play.
  4. Thursday games have been moved to Wednesday. same times
  5. Lamar at the Beck.
  6. Mondays games have been pushed to Thursday due to weather. New schedule: Tuesday 2-3a underclassmen 5pm/ 4-6a seniors 7pm. Thursday 4-6a underclassman 5pm/ 2-3a seniors 7pm.
  7. Today is the day. Come out and support these kids.
  8. There will be senior games and underclassman games. Monday June 13 5pm 4-6A underclassmen Monday June 13 7pm 2-3A senior Tuesday June 14 5pm 2-3A underclassmen Tuesday June 14 7pm 4-6A senior
  9. They are being contacted as we speak. If their coach has turned their names in they will be contacted by Sunday.
  10. Scratch jasper on to Madisonville
  11. Somebody better get jasper on the phone
  12. “8.2.2 SITUATION B: With the bases loaded and one out, a fly ball is hit to deep center field and caught. The runner on third legally tags and advances to home plate. The runner on second leaves before the ball is touched by the center fielder. With runners now standing on third and second base, and before a pitch, the defense is granted time and verbally appeals that the runner on second left the base too early. RULING: This is a valid appeal and the runner is declared out. The run scoring on the proper tag-up from third base will count.” Excerpt From: NFHS & Elliot Hopkins. “2015 Baseball Case Book.” iBooks. [Hidden Content]
  13. “ART. 2 . . . When a runner is obstructed while advancing or returning to a base, the umpire shall award the obstructed runner a minimum of one base beyond his position on base when the obstruction occurred. The umpire shall award the obstructed runner and each other runner(s) any additional bases that would nullify the obstruction.” Excerpt From: NFHS & Elliot Hopkins. “2015 Baseball Rules Book.” iBooks. [Hidden Content]
  14. There is a difference in subs playing hard and continuing to score verses continuing to full court press when the game is a blow out. Central won easily and stopped pressing when the game was out of reach.
  15. I thought central had a 7'3 kid on JV? I have not seen him yet.
  16. 52-20 end of 3rd. Ozen is up by 30 and still full court pressing.
  17. Band is on location and already playing Cherokee
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