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Everything posted by Netstalker

  1. The game was going horrible from the get go. Central could not get anything done on the court and Ozen did a decent job of shutting down Brandon Moton, but Fisher was lighting them up while they were doubling B Mo. Ozen was up by 20+ when Mac Randle got tired of the uncalled fouls and a scuffle broke out. It took the coaches and refs to break it up and this is when I think some ejections would have saved the tournament. Coach Gamble himself had to call a meeting at center court to try and calm the players down, and the coaches did not do alot to stop all the mouthing that continued after this. When gameplay resumed, Fisher and A. Boutte started some back and forth mouthing and got into a shoving match. The coaches, both benches and the fans erupted and the gym turned into a melee free for all. The shouting and fighting was finally stopped and the tournament was cancelled completely. Can't blame the refs for this one, and the coaches could only do a little more than they did to stop the outbreak. The real problem here was the cross-town rivalry that just got out of hand and the players attitudes. High school kids that were frustrated and angry and it just escalated from there.
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