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Everything posted by Vidor50

  1. I believe Coach Green will have his team ready to play. Hopefully they will give Sims at chance at starting. Vidor 8 to 3.
  2. Final Score Vidor wins 6-4. Robicheau pitched well and way to go Pirates. Good game lots of errors on both teams. ;D
  3. Bottem of the 7th Vidor 6-3. Roby still pitching, going for a complete game.
  4. 6 - 3 Vidor still bottem of 6th with w/2 outs--Roby still pitching.
  5. Sounds like Roby is getting tired or has lost his concentration. May need to make a change.
  6. Does anyone have an update on the score, if so please post. Thanks
  7. Can anyone furnish the team records for the 22-4A teams as of March 2. Your assistance will be much appreciated.
  8. LC-M Bears were on fire and couldn't miss much. Also they play a lot better at home than on the road.
  9. Congrads to Coach Boutte and his Panthers. He has them at the peak at the right time of the year.
  10. Guy's why don't you stop the trash talking on both sides. Coach Boutte, English and Robinson are class act coaches. This is high school sports not some professional league. Guys lets be adults and let the kids play.
  11. Is anybody sure tonight is not actually Friday the 13th or is there a really big full moon tonight with all the upsets in 22-4A. Sure makes the final weeks of season really interesting. ???
  12. Pirates are playing some of the best team ball I've seen in several years. This team has great potential and if they continue to play team ball with the sound fundamentals and team effort will make the playoffs. Coach Robertson and his staff have them playing top notch ball. Way to go guys and looking forward to seeing more of this. :)
  13. Vidor is going to have to continue to play smart ball control and continue to score.  Coach English is going to try to run them into the ground with the small bench that Vidor has.  Keep it going Vidor. 
  14. Vidor is always fird up for this one as former Coach English comes to town. Should be a good game. Both Coaches have their teams fired up and running. Vidor will surprise everyone and Coach Robertson has his team fired up.
  15. Congrats to Coach English and his team. See Ya Tuesday in Vidor. Should be a good game. These teams seem to bring the best out of each other.
  16. The guys came to play tonight. Played with heart and kept their mind on the game. This team is young, small and has a lot of heart. Extremely proud of them. Congrats.!!!!!!! :
  17. Give Wade time. The few remaining free agents are fair at best or injured. Give Backe, Paulino, Sampson and Rodriuez a chance. Wandy was decent and seems to be coming around and even Oswalt agrees to that. Wade will probably pick a pitcher up but it definately won't be Clemens and his b-12 butt.
  18. Congrats to Coach English and his team. Great team effort.
  19. Congrats Pirates. Wan't pretty but good teams find a way to win the ugly ones also. Good team effort and keep up the good work. Williamson bros and Chad Simms were good tonight. :-*
  20. COme guys from Orangegield. The team is young with one senior. I believe if I am not mistaken and I am not, that it took coach English 5 years to build his program and with the help of a good second coach named Roebrtson. Give them a chance and don't go crazy. They might not have been the favorite to win, but Orangefield has a darn good team. Stop the Vidor bashing please. I thought people from Orangefield were better than that.
  21. Way to go Vidor. Hopefully they are turning the corner and getting their confidence as playing as a team. Lots of potential and a great coaching staff. Godd luck Vidor. ;D
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