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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Bearbryant - I posted an anti democrat thread earlier. [Hidden Content] Oh wow what a new and refreshing topic!
  2. I never said democrats weren't. Will you and others please stop trying to corner me I to a position or stance I don't even hold? It gets old. In fact, I think people who blindly vote democrat OR republicans are idiots and are the problem with this country.  
  3. Which is why I'm against ANY of this political donation nonsense.
  4. You lack serious reading comprehension skills. I've said a MILLION times I'm moderate and don't care for EITHER party. I don't post anti democrat articles BECAUSE THERES A THOUSAND TOPICS ON IT ALREADY. You're incapable of having a rationale discussion on this topic because your feelings are hurt.
  5. It's called hedging your bets. Obviously Obama was going to win (maybe not so obvious on here) , so they threw money at him to get on his good side.
  6. They learned from the masters of spin, Fox News. #1 news channel in the country :P
  7. Exactly, more important stuff going on :P I think we do need healthcare reform but obamacare obviously is not the answer.
  8. Well it's obvious that republicans don't want to discuss the topic at hand. They rather blindly support whatever their party does. Shocking.
  9. You mean when the our economy was in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression? I think there might have been more important issues going on at the moment. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. How compassionate, you're gettin soft!
  11. It's only trolling because it isn't another anti obama hate thread. Business as usual on setxsports.com . People on this board have literally nothing else to contribute besides "OBAMA BAD, OBAMA SUK".
  12. First - Good job avoiding to discuss the topic at hand. Is the title not factually correct? Please explain how corporations "donating" millions and millions of dollars to politicians (who republicans will admit are corrupt) is in the best in interests of the country. Second - Do you guys really need me to make the 1000th thread on how the economy sucks? Everyone knows it. Let me know, I can post another topic on the economy which I'm sure will spur intelligent discussion.
  13. For real? I used a FOX NEWS source in the original post.
  14. "Fifty-four senators, all Democrats and independents who caucus with the Democrats, voted Thursday for the amendment to clarify in the Constitution that Congress and the states have the authority to do what they did for a century before activist judges began intervening on behalf of wealthy donors and corporations: enact meaningful campaign finance rules and regulations. But 42 senators, all Republicans, voted no. As a result, Udall noted, the Republican minority was able to "filibuster this measure and instead choose to support a broken system that prioritizes corporations and billionaires over regular voters." [Hidden Content]
  15. I am so shocked. [Hidden Content]
  16. So why are you complaining about mainstream media when Fox News is the most watched "news" channel?
  17. Ya how come Fox News didn't talk about it such a shame how liberal they are
  18. Didn't Eric Cantor just join a private equity firm literally a week ago?
  19. Those middle eastern countries will always be in conflicts as long as they keep clinging to their religion. We can't afford to occupy it until eternity. Luckily most people in this country aren't as fanatic and pick and choose which parts to believe and focus on.
  20. I skimmed the first article. The issue appears to be that marijuana shops weren't on the ban list because it wasn't even legal at the time they drafted the law. In other words, it's a temporary loophole. Correct me if I'm wrong. (No I'm not supporting buying weed with food stamps) (Sad I even have to put that disclaimer in this forum)
  21. Did the parties flip flop or am I missing something? Few stances I hold : - Pro guns - Fiscally conservative - Anti affirmative action - Anti government involvement in personal choices - Support welfare reform - Anti feminism Correction - I am not anti trayvon Martin but I'm also not anti Zimmerman. Zimmerman was getting beat up and had to do what he had to do. I am against the whole mike brown/ferguson movement though.
  22. This is easy, anyone who isn't - PNG Bama Kid TVC Bullets13 TxHoops Westend1 Tragic hippy Buddy Garrity Myself (of course) Missing a couple I'm sure. I'll edit it in when it comes to mind
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