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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. It's called derailing a topic on purpose. Smitty does it in every single thread because he's incapable of having a rational discussion and thinks he's making a valid point. Stevenash also purposely derails a thread if he knows you're making a valid point and wants to change the subject. Stevenash is like bill o Reilly and Hannity. Intelligent guys who are crafty at shifting "debates" in their favor. I've started to do it because all my topics get derailed so you better believe I'm not wasting my time attempting to have a rational discussion
  2. This is exactly my point. Stevenash is essentially saying I'm bleeding heart liberal that tries to "portray myself as something you are not". Sorry I'm not going to be sitting on here high fiving and patting YALL on the back for posting the same topics every single day. Two of your lap dogs already liked your post, serious lols. This political forum is a dump.
  3. You know it's bad when the more extreme republicans here claim there isn't a middle ground aka moderate. I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative but the republican intellectuals here call anyone who isn't a dedicated Fox News watcher a communist/socialist/fascist There's no point in even attempting to have a rational discussion unless it's with a few select posters who understand both parties have their flaws.
  4. Why does Donald Trump hate Americans?   [Hidden Content]
  5. Let me guess.. Boehner is now a RINO?
  6. Are you joking? I'm simply stating Teabaggers are the ones who hate mainstream media. Do you even visit this forum regularly? Smitty and crew blast the mainstream media all day everyday
  7. Hate? Please provide an example of the "hate I spew". Thanks
  8. Name calling is a violation of forum rules if I recall correctly
  9. Fox News watchers now calling Al Jazeera biased. A+ would chuckle again
  10. I follow Al Jazeera and BBC when it comes to world news, if that's work you're asking American news outlets are obviously going to be extremely biased when it comes to Israel (yes, both fox AND msnbc)
  11. But isn't Israel breeding the next generation of hate filled Hamas supporters by killing civilians and kids? Think about it. You're a 9 year old during school lunch and your school gets bombed by A neighboring country. Half your classmates are killed or injured. Are you more of less likely to join the opposition forces? Both sides are at fault, in my opinion. I'm no Middle East expert though
  12. Mods, this is LumRaidedFan's third attempt to derail the discussion.
  13. This is your 2nd post in this thread attempting to derail the topic. Stop.
  14. What's the issue? Smitty made thousands of threads calling everyone who isn't a teabagger a communist and/or fascist. I never see you complaining then. Why is that? Oh wait, that's right.. Now get back to the topic at hand.
  15. Jesus must be 1a with Cruz at 1b
  16. Is Isreal really innocent? Oh wait a 60 second video convinced me they are. [Hidden Content] More than 1,300 Palestinians and 55 Israelis have died in the conflict. Most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians. Fifty-three Israeli soldiers have been killed along with two civilians. A Thai worker in Israel has also died.
  17. Isn't Cruz the teabagger Jesus?
  18. Your post was fine. It was smittys post, as usual, which completely derailed the discussion taking place.
  19. I'd make a joke about "5gallonbucket" but I'm afraid that would be in violation of the forum rules.
  20. It's unfortunate that critical thinking is frowned upon in these parts of town. Even more unfortunate that posts such as yours are allowed but I'll probably get a ban for replying to you.
  21. So making posts that are off topic is a violation and need to be removed? Shouldn't 99% of smittys posts be removed then? Oh wait, he's one of the good ole boys round these parts of town. BENGHAZI VA SCANDAL KENYA
  22. True, but you think welfare recipients are all of a sudden going to get a job when they get cut off? Yeah right, your house will be broken into and next thing you know your tv is at a pawn shop
  23. This is a tricky topic. A good amount of black people on welfare don't even attempt to do anything productive with their lives and live off the government teet. Removing the bird feeder sounds good in theory, but what happens in real life? Crime in the surrounding areas will go through the roof. There will be a good amount of welfare recipients who will still be too lazy to get a job or either have criminal records and can't get a job. White flight occurs at an alarming rate end you end up like that neighborhood in Chicago right now Just my opinion. I have no answer. I'm in favor of deporting habitual criminals though
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