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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. So you are not a supporter of the NSA reportedly spying on Americans? Just want to confirm
  2. I think you'll take the opposite position of me no matter what I choose, which is why I wanted to hear your opinion first.
  3. Guess all you old geezers are sleeping already
  4. I'm really interested to know what the guys who preach small government think about this topic.
  5. It's okay, believe in yourself.
  6. Sure -   High Information Voters   Myself Garrity Bullets13 Stevenash Bamakid Westend1 TxHoops TVC     Low Information Voters   Smitty (by far) Lumraiderfan 77 Biggirl Northoftheborder       Probably missing a few but this a decent list I think    
  7. You just described yourself :P .    
  8. Smitty calling other people low information voters. LOL Smitty, do you genuinely believe you're a smart person?
  9. I've never claimed to be a conservative you commoner. Why do you teabaggers blatantly make stuff up?
  10. Teabaggers on this site crack me up. They're so "common" if you know what I mean.
  11. Got that right
  12. Smitty making a post about low information voters. HILARIOUS
  13. You're wrong. I'll keep it simple for you commoners. If someone has $108,000 in debt at a 1% fixed interest rate why would he rush to pay it off? It's essentially free money. Lenders lose money to inflation which is why they usually charge a premium. Think about it. Assume you lived in Zimbabwe during their hyper inflationary period and had debt. Would you pay that off immediately? No. Of course, if you're talking about the average American then you're right. The average American is an idiot.
  14. You support the positions I listed in the original post. Teabaggers here call me a liberal, communist AND socialist. Therefore according to the teabagger debate logicz Smitty and yourself are communists and socialists. Now answer the question. Why did you flip flop?
  15. I wasn't referring to the US debt to GDP amount, I was referring to the $100,000 income example
  16. According to the great former teabagger intellectuals Stevenash And Smitty, I am a bleeding heart liberal, communist AND socialist. I support the following political positions: - I support lower taxes and less regulation - I support the repeal of Obamacare - I support guns rights - I support freedom of speech According to the "How To Internet Debatez Vol. 2 Teabagger Special Edition" manual, Stevenash and Smitty are also bleeding heart liberals since they continuously post 20 topics a day expressing support of the same positions as myself. Stevenash and Smitty, what finally made you switch from being a teabagger to a COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST?
  17. It depends on the cost of debt Stevenash. BOOM BOOM POW POW ROASTED!!! Come on now, you're supposed to be a professional cold caller/financial advisor man!! I'm disappointed in you.
  18. The view is terrible, so no
  19. Who cares? He's not going to Chicago
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