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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Not really I'm on my phone and about to get out of work early for 4th of July
  2. Sure I believe in lower taxes, less regulations and a repeat of obamacare BOOM ROASTED NEXTTTTTTT
  3. Truth hurts commoner. The tea party will ruin the republicans 2016 bid.
  4. Bama kid is a smart guy, but he's simply not on the same level as myself and Stevenash when it comes to discussing finance and economics. Bama kid is however leaps and bounds ahead of you commoners.
  5. Talk about drinking the kool aid. TVC types up an essay which doesn't even address my question and you guys eat it up. I like how everyone here is all of a sudden a mitt Romney supporter, when they were calling him a rino a couple years ago. LOL.
  6. Because Wade is washed up and Bosh isn't willing to work for pennies. I hope Houston and Mavs get ether Melo or Lebron
  7. As opposed to the great teabagger intellectuals here like Smitty. LOL Have fun losing in 2016 suckers. Try not to blame rigged polls this time
  8. You guys are looking for moral victories. Republicans LOST the White House bid in 2008 Republicans LOST the White House bid in 2012 Republicans will LOSE the White House bid in 2016 if the tea party has anything to say about it
  9. Teabaggers will ruin it for the R team A normal conservative will have to lean farther right to appeal the crazy base in the primaries but then get crucified in the media during the general for his extreme views (that he probably doesn't even believe) that he was forced to adopt just to get the nomination
  10. "Obama doesn't stand a chance, the polls are liberally biased!" - every teabagger in 2012 on this website Self delusion at its absolute finest
  11. Oh wait, he's too liberal because he worked with Obama on the hurricane sandy efforts. Have fun losing in 2016 suckerssssss
  12. You can double boom all you want, Obama is the BACK2BACK CHAMP You commoners have a losers mentality and are looking for moral victories. You guys are going to be on suicide watch when Hillary wins in a landslide in 2016 QUADRUPLE BOOM ROASTED
  13. Oh look, blatantly making stuff up again Right out of the teabagger internetz debatez strategy vol.3 manual
  14. But this community is so welcoming mannnnnnn!!
  15. Hey man I'm just learning from Stevenash and Smitty, gimme a break sheesh! :( :( :( :( :(  
  16. Yes, I'm way ahead of you common folk.  
  17. Just learning from you commoners! :P :P :P :P :P
  18. Stevenash, Smitty, 77, Lumraiderfan and a few others  
  19. Yes, please watch the USA game if you love your country.   Also, "heaven" does not exist. Sorry.
  20. And the teabaggers here do? AHAHAHAHAHAHHA   :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P  
  21. I'd need the teabaggers to answer that question, they're the ones who also claimed obama was a muslim :lol: :lol: :lol:  
  22. I'll see what I can do to find you a link for the USA game. Maybe I can convince you to love this country. If not, oh well, at least I tried    
  23. So the teabaggers didn't like him because he was a Mormon?
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