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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. You sound upset.   Don't make baseless assumptions if you want to throw a hissy fit when someone does it to you  
  2. A good amount of you teabaggers in this political section were not fans of Romney, and still aren't to this day.  
  3. I'll bet that you hold a leadership position in the KKK :P  
  4. He was an extremely successful private equity guy who obviously knows how to run a business, yet many teabaggers here were not thrilled with his nomination.   Was it because he was a Mormon?
  5. USA was playing in the World Cup. I love my country unlike you teabaggers :P  
  6. Actually they can't. Teabaggers on this forum blatantly make up false claims in every single topic then try baiting you to defend a position you don't even hold. It's comical
  7. You seemed so proud average median household income was higher under Bush, too bad the end result was the worst recession since the Great Depression Boom roasted, thank you come again
  8. I've already said the economy is in terrible shape. You're getting upset and just grasping at straws at this point
  9. I never blamed Bush, I was just stating FACTS. You're assuming I was blaming Bush when I'm simply stating you can't PICK AND CHOOSE what fits your narrative. You can't praise Bush for the economic boom during his presidency then decide to ignore the recession as if it didn't happen! Boom roasted Your feelings appear hurt.
  10. Obama created more jobs than Bush, FACT. Things were smooth during most of W's term because we were in an economic bubble. You work in finance, you're supposed to know that. And no, I'm extremely extremely confident I have access to more research and charts than you do. You work for who.. ML or UBS?
  11. Are the mods going to allow this? Oh that's right, I'm not a teabagger so they'll allow it.
  12. You're right, economy losing 800,000 jobs a month as he walks out of office is no big deal
  13. Tell me more about the platform. It sounds interesting.
  14. It's not fault you're willfully ignorant and purposely choose to ignore the graphics I've posted just a few posts before yours. You can lead a horse to water but..
  15. That he was very fortunate his term ended while the economy was losing 800,000 jobs a month
  16. Did you take debate lessons from a 4th grader? Just stop. :lol: :lol: :lol:  
  17. Good thing I didn't vote for him! I thought Romney is one of the smartest presidential candidates ever and would've made a great president.   Poor Mitts wasn't radical enough to please the teabaggers though  
  18. I'll be more than happy to educate you common folk. I'll be at my computer in a few
  19. Obviously more jobs is the answer, who said it wasn't? What an idiotic statement. Teabaggers on this site loveeeeeee making false claims up, it's YALLS expertise. For the record - I think there should be lower taxes, less regulations and no obamacare.
  20. Wait, so the middle class is doing amazing? I literally laughed out loud seeing hippy guy try and use a single data point as proof that the middle class isn't shrinking. I figured teabaggers would be the first to agree with me on this one. I swear if I came out as pro church you guys would be anti church all of a sudden just to oppose me. Silly commoners.
  21. I think the pipeline should be approved, but stop acting like it's the golden ticket to fix this country. Why should Mr. CEO hire another employee when he can increase the workload on current employees? It's not like they have a choice. Excess supply of labor drives wages down. Come on Stevenash, you're smarter than this.
  22. Someone come get me when that wealth trickles down
  23. 95% of income gains have gone to the top 1% since the recession, middle class is nowhere to be found.
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