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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Stevenash continues to ignore that the rich continue to get significantly richer while the middle class struggles.
  2. Do you not see an issue with the shrinking MIDDLE CLASS?    
  3. We agree. Why can't Smitty, Stevenash and jv_coach be more reasonable like you?   If someone has different viewpoints then they're automatically labeled a communist or socialist.. but then get mad when someone wrongly labels them a racist.  
  4. Just like those guys who thought Obama wasn't a US citizen! Gosh darn those uninformed voters :D :lol:  
  5. Blatantly making stuff up are we? Taken right out of the republican handbook 101 manual chapter 1 :lol:  
  6. Uninformed voters are the worst, I agree. Half the country thought Obama wasn't a legal US citizen for christs sake! :lol: :lol: :lol:       
  7. Wait.. you think the middle class wasn't shrinking before Obama took office? :lol: :lol: :lol:   Or maybe it took a black guy to become president before people started paying attention  
  8. Term limits is only part of the solution. Next step is to end the legal bribery that goes on. Whoops I meant campaign "contributions"  
  9. If I didn't know any better I'd think this was satire!   :lol: :lol: :lol:  
  10. So what you're saying is the middle class just needs to pull "pull ourselves up by our bootstraps"
  11. Question 1 - Not sure what scandals you're referring to since I don't have time to sit in front of fox news all day. I'm going to attribute it to politicians being politicians. What else is new   Question 2 - The Federal Government obviously is incredibly ineffecient at almost anything they do         Next!
  12. You automatically group people into two groups, democrat or republican.   Has it ever occured to you that sometimes the best choice is neither? Shocking revelation.. I know :D
  13. How is poverty trickling up when the rich are getting significantly richer? I thought wealth was supposed to trickle down?    
  14. Do you believe in the notion of a country being as strong as its middle class? Yes or No.   Look at the following illustration. The top 0.1% has rebuilt its share of the wealth to levels seen during the ROARING TWENTIES. Go read a history book and you'll notice that was right before the Great Depression.   Rich get richer because money grows exponentially and the supply/demand imbalance of skilled/unskilled workers Middle class gets outsourced and their pensions slashed so Fat Cat Bob can get a bigger bonus Poor remain poor because they make terrible life choices for the most part   It just blows my mind how you guys can defend the ultra rich while they outsource the middle class because you're too busy distracted by religion, abortion and welfare debates.  
  15. Smitty, Stevenash and TVC. I've missed you guys so much :P    
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