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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Lower and middle class families spend more on consumption as a percentage of overall income than than a wealthy family. Example, family X makes $25,000, spends $20,000 on consumer goods (excluding tax) and with an 8% consumption tax would pay $1,600 in taxes. The tax would be 6.4% of their overall income. Now, family Y makes $1,000,000 a year and spends $200,000 on consumer goods (excluding tax) and with an 8% would pay $16,000 in taxes. The tax would be 1.6% of their overall income. Family X pays more as a percentage but family y pays more in absolute terms.
  2. Lol this guy..
  3. What should we do about the current corporate income tax situation? finance.yahoo.com/news/the-insane-u-s--corporate-tax-system-145353359.html We have the highest tax rates in the world, yet it seems so many large corporates hire armies of lawyers and accountants to (legally) shift cash around and drastically reduce their effective tax rate. Is the current tax system screwing over the small to mid sized enterprises that don't have the resources to dodge taxes?
  4. Anyone have links for crazy videos? I try not to tune into fox/msnbc
  5. Controversial topic time, no sissies allowed. My personal opinion. The average male and female are probably about the same when it comes to their intellectual ability. The difference lies within the distributions of their IQ range. Men have significantly more geniuses and significantly more dumbasses compared to women, while women have all bunched up towards the center and don't have much variation. Anecdotal evidence - the smartest people I've ever met have been predominately male. Yes, smart women exist but they're outnumbered by smart men. I don't think it's a coincidence the majority of CEOs, past presidents, revolutionary inventors etc have been male. I'm not saying men are better than women, or even that men are equal to women. I'm just saying we're different.
  6. That's assuming you have only an intruder or two. I'd say it's better to have both. Have the AR ready in case the urban youth start rioting outside your house.
  7. Let's see if this cease fire can last longer than Israel's and Palestine's =D
  8. As a relative social liberal (compared to those on this board), I still think black panthers, al sharpton, jesse jackson, etc are an absolute joke.
  9. You expect too much out of politicians
  10. Quite a few of us I'm assuming
  11. Probably because the economy was still in a recession and immigration was low on the priority list
  12. Stop acting like you're above the ridiculousness when you're bandwagoning on that low information voter garbage in almost every topic.
  13. That anti affirmative action topic actually was probably the only discussion in the past month that got serious replies and not just normal left v. Right talking points. If people can't see that the economy sucks then screw it. Their minds are already made up and you will not be able to change that. Similar how republicans have their set in stone views on certain topics. Is the sky blue and hating America posts were obviously troll posts created to show how ridiculous this board has become. Yes, I wasn't helping. But neither are you and smitty.
  14. Within 3 replies that thread will turn into a "obamas foreign policy sucks" echo chamber
  15. How convenient of you to forget my very controversial anti affirmative action and anti feminism posts. I'd consider myself socially liberal, relative to the extreme far right, but I don't agree with every single stance the left adopts. That's just idiotic. I don't need to criticize the left on this board. You and smitty have that covered. I rarely post in the "economy sucks" topics because obviously the economy sucks. Do you need me to make the 10th thread on that topic every day?
  16. No, he'll pull the "Cleo" card and claim he knows my true political leanings. He's apparently a psychic. He might be Jesus actually. The other extreme posters sure do follow him around like he is.
  17. Exhibit D Look how ridiculous this "discussion" is [Hidden Content]
  18. Steve, you constantly call me a liberal and part of the "tolerant crowd" yet Ive repeatedly stated I'm fiscally conservative and support lower taxes, less regulations and the repeal of obamacare. I've also stated obama has been a disappointment, although I do not give him ALL the blame for the current economic environment. If you don't like being grouped with the teabaggers, then why do you keep grouping me with liberals?
  19. TxHoops, the rules apparently don't apply to them because they are right and anyone who doesn't drink their kool aid is wrong! WE DUN KNEED NO KRITYKUL THINKENG ROWND THEZE PARTS OF TWN
  20. Sigh.. Here we go again
  21. Nice use of quotation marks. I guess that technically doesn't count as name calling that you supposedly refuse to engage in.
  22. No, please explain it. We're waiting.
  23. Because the "urban youth" are idiots
  24. Weird how it was never an issue until the topics were coming from the other side. But anyways...
  25. You called yourself stupid first, I was simply agreeing.
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