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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Nope I changed my mind since it's convenient for my stance right now
  3. My apologies. I'll try to stick to the script going forward, aka, "OBAMA BAD, OBAMA GUD".
  4. Fair enough. I'm not sure how the implementation would work. Just an idea.
  5. You don't mind subsidizing other peoples poor decisions? You're getting all socialist on me hippy..
  6. The majority of fat people are fat because they stuff their face with fast food and don't exercise. Ive been around many fat people and they all have the same piss poor habits. Sure, there are some medical conditions that can cause some to be overweight. As a social liberal, I have compassion for those who are fat because of medical conditions. I do not have compassion for fat people who are fat because they eat fast food three times a day. Another example, I have compassion for kids who are born into single parent/poor families. I do not have compassion for those who screw around in school and become career criminals, thus significantly reducing their lifetime earning potential and blaming whitey for their issues.
  7. Rather than taking care of their body, they rather stuff their humongous behind with more whataburger. These landwhales are not only hogging up the aisles at grocery stores in their fat people scooter, but us hardworking taxpayers will most likely be on the hook for their medical expenses when their body fails. Should we subsidize their terrible life decisions or should fat people get taxed for being fat?
  8. Have you seen their mass murder video? Literally lining people up and shooting. And they're active on twitter..
  9. Anyone who doesn't subscribe to Fox News is a liberal according to you. Therefore, your opinion is irrelevant to me. Silly Teabaggers have the nerve to talk about others drinking the Kool aid.. LOL
  10. I know you weren't referring to me. I'm obviously significantly more intelligent than you. I just found it funny you had the audacity to insinuate YOU were smarter than some on this board.
  11. Fox News - 24/7 liberals are bad/want free stuff/ etc Msnbc - 24/7 republicans are bad/greedy/hate women Yet the commoners still watch that nonsense religiously because they're too stupid to think for themselves
  12. Smitty calling other people dumb. LOLOLOLOL
  13. Poor Stevenash don't like when generalizations are made about him or his fellow teabaggers WAHHHHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHHH Do I need to call the wambulance to come get you stevey boy? [attachment=104:image.jpg]
  14. I wondered when this topic would get posted.
  16. The people who really get the shaft in university admissions are the poor white kids. Rich kids and all the resources and a stable family to support them through it all. Black kids usually don't have the same opportunity set but have the advantage of being black (advantage for admissions) Poor white kids don't have either
  17. Big girl is simply using the same top notch secret methods you guys use to make blanket statements about liberals BOOM ROASTED Thank you come again
  18. Also. He wouldn't be the first on fox to admit they aren't fair and balanced. Anyone who believes any American news outlet is fair is an idiot.
  19. Bill o Reilly is actually pretty damn smart, he just adapts to his audience for the $$$ (can't blame him) Go check out his work with Jon Stewart. His character on fox and what he truly believes don't always line up
  20. Oh no, I won't be able to discuss politics with teabaggers who purposely derail my topics.
  21. Once again, Stevenash with nothing to add to the discussion. Please see your way out.
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