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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Once again, Stevenash conviently overlooking his BFF making a personal insult that I simply responded to. Once again, Stevenash is not contributing to the topic but rather trying to derail it.
  2. Well if you'd use your brain, you'd realize the vast majority of the board is republican.
  3. The discussion was civil until you posted your idiotic reply. Typical republican on this board trying to derail discussions. Silly me, I should've learned by now that only "OBAMA BAD, OBAMA SUCK" topics are allowed
  4. 100% correct. The people who back their party 100% and check R or D down the line have ruined modern day politics. Of course, some republican is going to follow up on my post some with lame ass "only issue is democrats who vote all democrats hurr durrr durrrr I'm so smart"
  5. Trailer trash redneck telling other people they should've used birth control. Good joke.
  6. It's not radical, it's just not realistic
  7. Aren't teen pregnancy rates at historic lows right now?
  8. Republicans complain endlessly about welfare programs and how it creates generation after generation of lazy asses who want to sit around and leach off taxpayers everyday. For the republicans on this board, would you support free birth control for everyone? Theoretically, easier access to birth control means less pregnancies for unfit mothers who'll most likely raise degenerates which leads to less people on welfare.
  9. Gay marriage Abortion Recreational drugs Prostitution
  10. Typical Stevenash post attempting to derail the original discussion.
  11. Republicans are the very first to hate on big brother and say how they don't need no big gubnt to control their lives, yet republicans want to regulate people who make decisions they don't necessarily agree with. What gives?
  12. Lumraiderfan, not only a true intellectual but also humble! A perfect role model for smitty
  13. So you watched the entire segment of NBC nightly news to see if they covered the poll? Lol
  14. Your understanding is wrong, as usual. You obviously don't even read the articles you post. That, or you lack reading comprehension skills. The source is linked in the very first paragraph. Guess where the link takes you?
  15. First time opening this topic. I was hesitant because I seen Smitty was the poster which means it's usually garbage but figured hey.. 17 replies must be some validity to the topic being discussed. NOPE. Fool me once, shame on you..
  16. We all see where this is going Stevenash. You don't really care about big girls story. You're going to follow up with a "isn't that similar to how Obama got elected" response. Yawn, what else is new.
  17. Probably 77 or lumraiderfan. They're all fairly "close", if you know what I mean.. Just following each other around giving each other a good pat on the bottom for every "Obama sucks" post
  18. I really don't care if you don't believe I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative NEXTTTTT
  19. Stevenash just got BOOM ROASTED KAPOW! Glad other people see his antics on this board. Let's see if he pulls the "you're calling me out because you're an obama fan and hate the truth" excuse.
  20. Then why are you bringing it up? You sound guilty mannnnnn
  21. Alabama.. Not even once :P I kid I kid
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