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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Women in the workplace would be an interesting topic. From my personal expieriences as well as friends, women generally love to play the victim role if they're not getting preferential treatment and are so damn dramatic about everything. I'll let someone else start that topic though, I don't want to be labeled a woman hater in this forum while simultaneously being a bleeding heart liberal (according to some) in the political forum
  2. But..but... What about my feeeeeeelings
  3. I view the social justice warriors as part of the feminism movement because almost everybody in this country believes women should be treated as equally to men.
  4. Fair enough, although I do believe its relevant here as well since feminism is often associated with the liberal mindset. I never really ventured into that other forum. I think I'll begin posting there more so I don't have to see 30 copy paste topics by Smitty everyday
  5. To spur discussion on controversial topics? Stop acting like you know me better than I know myself. Weirdo.
  6. I made a topic about the family unit being ruined, removed. I thought this board supposedly wanted more than just obama bad obama good talking points
  7. Liberals have made it socially acceptable for women to sleep around and that gender roles are misogynistic. Big strong independent women don't need no man no mo'. Men bad, women guuuuud. Boy don't need father figure when boy have two lesbian moms. Statistics show that there's a correlation between divorce rates and the partner count of women. Discuss
  8. I know I'd be mad if my son had better grades, SAT and extracurriculars and got denied at his dream school while a B average student got in for the sake of "diversity" Let's hear your thoughts
  9. You're essentially betting half your assets that your wife doesn't get fat, stop putting out, cheat, spend all your money, etc for the rest of your life. Is it worth it?
  10. Discuss [Hidden Content]
  11. This preseason nfl game is kinda boring
  12. I'll try to be more encouraging next time so others can participate in this intellectually fulfilling discussion.
  13. "I still believe that you are much more of a lefty than you are portraying yourself and a lot of that comes from your prior visits to this board before you became ECO" You're a joke. I've said multiple times I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. How is that so hard to comprehend?
  14. Because 90% of people on this board are Fox News watchers. I've previously stated MSNBC is just as bad as Fox News. CNN is slightly less terrible than both. What position are you going to try and force me to defend next? It never stops with you.
  15. Dumb question. Yes
  16. Glad you understand brother
  17. but..but..     BENGHAZI          
  18. Trying to convince a teabagger on setxsports.com (southeast TEXAS) that fox is biased is like trying to convince a christian on a christian website that jesus isn't real   I have better things to do than debate with people who already have their mind made up and are unwilling to listen    
  19. I'm gonna pull a "smitty" and "stevenash" and ask that you tell me what has fox news done to make you feel that they are credible.   Oh man I'm so slick, betcha didn't even see that one coming did you? :P :P :P  
  20. This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.   Here you are trying to make me defend NBC or CBS when I never even said anything about them. Typical Stevenash trying to shift debates where a debate doesnt even exist!   Unbelievable. :lol: :lol: :lol:    
  21. Make another topic and I'll address your unending questions when I get some free time  
  22. I must however give Fox News credit for their ability to hire and retain really good looking women. A+ in that department
  23. Yes, I sincerely believe Al Jazeera is more reliable than Fox News. To be fair, it's pretty easy to be more reliable than Fox News. Fox News is complete trash. It's a 24/7 anti Obama hate machine that doesn't even attempt to be "fair & balanced".   Of course, commoners (especially in the deep south where edumucation standards are at all time highs) lack critical thinking skills and assume Fox News is fair and balanced because it says so in their slogan :lol: :lol: :lol:  
  24. Yes, but only because this board is FUBAR.
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