I have always viewed Neumann as one of the area's best, but I'd be curious to know the average Nederland HS teacher salary or even the building principal's salary.
In response to the above post, I can tell you what we make and/or get in terms of a salary boost .... NOT ENOUGH! The district gave us a measly 2% raise last August that didn't even cover our increase in our medical insurance premiums. Now I don't begrude Coach Neumann at all but NISD staff as a whole is not happy that a district that always tells us "we don't have any money" all of a sudden can come up with an 18% raise just to keep a coach. If any one of us resigned, they'd say nice knowing you. I love football as much as the next guy but please these young men playing football are not going to be making a living playing professional football are they?? Where are our priorities??? That's an easy answer ... it's all about filling those football stands in the fall with paying fans to bring in more money!!! >