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Everything posted by kramer

  1. Buna kids in the co-op at K-ville are not tied to K-ville numbers......
  2. I'm sure TASO will handle it if they try to apply. I dont have a dog in the fight anymore, but if you are worried about being sued, those two actually working in your organization is where your liability would be. Anyway....I have said my peace and will not comment any further.
  3. They had nothing to do with Lamar University. I don't know if they are TASO or not.....Surely they are not
  4. If these two are in fact working at Ford Park someone please contact Morgan Walker and let him know. They (especially the dad) have no business around kids and surely not 12 and under.
  5. I was there for both games. It was the same two guys from last night. I thought I had seen it all in my nearly fifty years, but I have to say this weekend takes the cake. I will say it again, these two have no business calling any game. We heard they are from La. and been kicked out there too. I doubt they will ever walk on the Lamar field again. The umpire ejected a coach for supposedly cursing and then rattled off his own string of curse words in every combination imaginable. I did not hear the coach say anything, but all of Beaumont heard the umpires rants. The Lamar staff did a good job of getting them out of the stadium, but they should have never been back to begin with.
  6. The man that got ejected is not even the one that was giving the ump a hard time. Then the umpire made his "remark" not knowing his son and friend were standing right beside him. It all blew up then.......The players were not amused. The two umpires have no business calling games ANYWHERE......PURE BONEHEADS
  7. Buna was a small 3A for years........competed in all sports......especially baseball with several playoff teams.......Dropped to 2A two years ago.....
  8. Does'nt really matter,but Buna is not the biggest in the district....Just a fact.....
  9. Nothing disturbing about the post........Read it all.......Our prayers are with all area schools....Hope things can get back to normal soon.
  10. Kountze looked very good..........Congrats Cougars....Keep it going
  11. Wanting someone to win with class and calling a entire group perennial losers in the same sentence is pretty funny......Bunas coaches and kids have done a great job so far......Good Luck .......I think Buna by 14....Should be a good game....
  12. Then A-TOWN is probably right..........
  13. If this is happening soon, Buna's high school team is not playing in this tourney.......Some from high school are playing select though.......
  14. Well said BMTFOOTBALL.......Pay no attention to the rants of one person...Newton has ALWAYS shown class.........Good Luck Cougars.....Keep doing your talking on the field one week at a time.......
  15. Good job Cougars......Do your talking on the field.........Good luck to all our friends in 24AA
  16. Plasma10........I don't have a opinion either way concerning Coach Bryant, but your Buna comment is very arrogant......You can back your coach without comments like that.......The team you were referring to was very talented and had good coaching too.....
  17. Very exciting game.......great job by both teams.....Go COOGS!!!!!!!
  18. The LCM Bears are anything but a disgrace......Those kids are not only great players, but good kids........Thats a fact........Good job guys........
  19. Bring the bats!!!!!! Good luck COUGARS......
  20. This is all very true....I think Ltown just likes to get people worked up
  21. Lots of great talent in Southeast Texas....No doubt....Kids playing year round more and more....Should only get even better with time.....
  22. Prayers and Best Wishes from Buna.........
  23. ..........Go 24AA.........We're pulling for ANAHUAC !!!!!
  24. I think Buna has scheduled a game for Tuesday also....... Jackhammer........Is there a point to all of your little remarks......
  25. Regarding Jackhammers comment..........I think the post was supposed to be for positive responses.....Buna is now playing schools closer to their enrollment numbers.....Kountze, Anahuac, East Chambers, and Warren are old district friends from the past.......11-1 is pretty good, no matter what district you came out of.........As for "Coach of the Year", that is all a matter of opinion....Lots of good coaches in the area........Good Luck to everyone in the playoffs...
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