There seems to be alot of back and forth on this issue. Tha facts are that Lumberton might not win district or even go to the playoffs. But, no one out there can say that they are not going to compete for a playoff spot. They have a fantastic head coach. And they do have just as good of talent if not better talent than they did when they had the Harrod's, the Wright's and the Lights. I am from Lumberton. However, I do not live in Lumberton anymore, but still have friends that live there. Lumberton has 3 running backs that rate up there as the best runners in district. Hussey, Hannah and the little sophmore Beard. Who by the way, if he keeps his health and his grades up will be one of the best athletes that has ever come out of Lumberton. So to the one who mentioned some of Lumbertons best above you are mistaken, because I played with the older ones that you mentioned. Best of luck to Lumberton on there 2007 football year. FYI, if there are Lumberton football players responding to these writings, my advice would be to quit reading this and show them on the field. Even those that are mentioning past Lumberton players.