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Everything posted by JMAY88

  1. Anahuac 68 BH 46 Chris May 24 Nick King 13. Nick King foul out in the 3rd. Good game foul trouble kill Bob Hope
  2. Correction on score 49 to 30 game was close to the final 3 minutes foul trouble played a factor.Nick King 14 Chris May 12.
  3. Should be a good game give the edge to EC strictly because of Coaching.
  4. Can't believe that.Coaching staff can't allow that.
  5. EC did a really good job tonight coaching was outstanding.Good win EC.BH will bounce back those two guards that can play took it hard and vow to continue to work harder.
  6. We will find out you have to play it on the floor.Sure you seem teams lose that were suppose to win before. I know Bope Hope gonna play it on the floor and best team win.
  7. No Chris May in this one out with knee and Nick King foul out late 3rd for Bob Hope.Good Win for High Island but i think outcome would have been different if those two guards were on the floor together.
  8. Good job Coach.No body knows about those two guards and what they are capable of but they will.GOOD JOB WITH THE PROGRAM.
  9. Good team win the more they play together the better they will come together.Good job Coach
  10. Sometimes teams need a wake-up call to come all together.Kelly will be find my opinion just on of those nights.
  11. Chris May 19 Nick King 17
  12. 29 Col 25 BH 1st half
  13. 13 Col BH 11 end of 1st
  14. Lol.Everyone has a opinion and every kid can play right. Only one way to find out right.Lace em up.My bet Lil Bulldogs by 10.Just my opinion.
  15. I think Kelly starting five is more balance than Silsbee.I wouldn't bet the farm on Silsbee that's for sure. I like those 5 seniors on the floor.
  16. Young team they will continue to develop.Counting on that backcourt to carry and surprise some folks.
  17. Good game foul trouble kill Bob Hope no bench.Enjoyed game
  18. Looking forward to it Coach.I think Bob Hope gonna surprise alot of team's # Sleep
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