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Everything posted by dawgnut

  1. Yeah, that was them that put us in their program as the Bullfrogs. Ribbit...Ribbit!!! Yea, I was at that game didn't make me real happy. Kind of like you can pull the mask of the Lone Ranger, but don't mess with my Dogs.
  2. Where do people get the idea that just because you are good at a sport you can do or say what you want? Pure garbage.
  3. bigdog remember we are from the poor old GT and the only reason we have four players batting 500 and better in the playoffs is because we are so poor that we have to share a field with the Tee ball league. You know anyone can get a hit if the winds not blowing and the ball will stay on the Tee. If we have to go to the big city and play we don't stand a chance, it will be like the Hillbillies moving to California ;D
  4. Dawgnut, you rephrased it like I should have said. I also shouldn't have used the word trust. I'll let coach decide what is best and go with that. He has done well all year. I hear you, it never comes out the keyboard like the brain thinks. One of these days they will have a direct link and make it easier to put your thoughts together. But on some days it would be better to stay away from the computer ;D
  5. I am not a coach either but my strategy would be to let Dean start and if we had the game and he started to give up hits and it was in the 5th or later I would let Bellow finish and preserve the win then let him start game 2. If Dean could go the distance and get a win then I would love the odds because if you couldn't hit Dean life would not get better against Bellow.
  6. Not from friendlesswood, they are the folks with Million Dollar homes, glossy programs, and called us "Bullfrogs". I kind of doubt with all their resources they couldn't get our name right >
  7. Be careful bigdog, up there with all those razorbacks you could come down with a bad case of the swine flu, especially if you have any UT stickers hanging around
  8. If I felt the way you do about everyone in Nederland I would move to some other great city more to your taste. I wouldn't want those sorry people educating my kids, they may infect them or something. If there is anything I can do to help like renting you a moving van, let me know ;D
  9. Won't happen, to many uniformed voters that just know they don't want anything! I don't care what you try to get through they are not going to vote for it!
  10. Go Dogs, sounds like someone connected with the ball a few times :
  11. Nope bigdog's bringing his coin so that gives us a little edge, it may be small but it don't take much.
  12. Enjoy your summer because soon enough it will come down to 26 paydays a year. The only difference between summer and winter is the amount of money you spend and the temperature!
  13. James, one dollar increase in ticket price X five home games X 8000 folks per game X ten years = 400,000.
  14. Pass or not it's over tomorrow bandkid so we will have to get down to all the great facts, like what will be the ratio between pass and run. If there are more runs than pass will we hear the ghost of PNG past? Will MB be the new Indian Ken? There are a lot of questions and a long time till fall
  15. Don't confuse them with facts Penny. It doesn't help the argument. I for one am glad they like the coach. I was about tired of hearing all the crying about Matt ;D
  16. smitty doesn't care if you agree or not, it's a simple tactic, throw out a number and the folks that don't read the whole story grab it and run. If you are anywhere close to the fence it just helps you make up your mind. My take is if you can't name the source then most likely it's false. But if they have helped bring someone to their side with false information so be it. They will never be held accountable for the garbage and they know it!
  17. Not a chance, I have to many friends in L-town. They would call me out in a heart beat! Besides I know everyone is afraid of the swine flu but I don't think the Dog's will be going that far north to have a pep rally!
  18. Hey I am just trying to get the odds a little better and Proud thinks you have a two headed coin and you know Indians never stretch the truth, only white men speak with a forked tongue so I think we need your coin ;D
  19. Only if bigdog brings the coin!
  20. Hey it's the off season, if you don't find something to talk about you will have to go over to the Nederland Bond thread and read all that stuff ;D
  21. It's about where I thought it would be! What do we do in the case of a tie? Do UIL rules apply? Do we get one offensive series and then come out voting again? I don't know it could be interesting!
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