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Everything posted by dawgnut

  1. Come on guy's face the facts, we don't have any pride, honor, or tradition in the pound! We are just mindless drones that don't have a clue what to do so we just copy the tribe. Everybody knows the only place talent can be located is on the sunny shores of the Neches. We must accept our fate and be assimilated into the common consciousness and listen to the backward mask LP's of old that said "fear the tribe" or was that "Paul is dead?" Not sure any more because like they say if you say it long enough they will believe it!
  2. Long? Is that any kind of hit about coaching at the Res ;D
  3. Don't confuse them with logic Proud. Everybody knows that some old Indian Spirit runs around the stadium causing both teams to lose! Because there was not a game at the Res this weekend he must have attended the Philadelphia Eagles game!
  4. That's a good one
  5. Good guy, but not as good as Grogan. If he was why would the coaches pull the best D-lineman we had and put him on offense? Lovelady did what he had to do when it was required of him and you have to give him credit for that, but one game does not make a career or a season. We need Grogan running the ball and we need Lovelady to knock a few RB's off their feet so that we can we can say one more week every Sunday morning!
  6. A whole lot of Nederland fans grew up in Port Neches, and a lot of PNG fans grew up in Nederland, that's the way it is. It' s like sibling rivalry, we can fight and bicker with each other and it's OK, but I wouldn't consider doing the same if you are not from MC because both groups will turn on you, because brothers will stop fighting each other to take on any outsider that may appear. I pull for PNG every game of the year except one when MCM comes it's time for the fun to begin.
  7. Yep, numbers don't lie, 35 - 34. A 'W' is a 'W' no matter how you look at it! We live to play another week.
  8. I didn't think a Jag fans judgement could get that clouded ;D
  9. Why not a flash back to last year?
  10. Not the same team at all, we had 5 starters on the bench when we played WOS. Grogan thought he was just baby sitting the RB position till the #1 RB returned. Two hurricanes later the #1 guy quit football, Grogan was told he was the man and he hasn't looked back.
  11. While you are loading up to stop #2 don't forget about the post, fly, out, and slant. Stuff the box to stop the run and it could rain all night I think the game comes down to the D-line of Central VS the O-line of the Dogs. Which line wins stands a great chance of taking the game.
  12. Let's see now it was 7 possessions and 7 scores the only way it would have changed is if Grogan and the receivers just got so tired that they quite running. This is not a put down on LCM, they were out manned totally. They had already thrown their best at the offense and had not even gotten close to a 3 and out.
  13. Nope, just like a Timex, it just kept on ticking 8)
  14. They tried to get something started, but someone needs to tell them when to talk trash and when not to hack of the other team to kick your butt worse than they are. We had three scores on 4 plays and LCM finally tackled Grogan for a loss and they wanted to jump in his face and talk trash. Go talk to your guys about how great it was to stop him but don't get in the guys face that already has 100 yards on you in the first quarter
  15. You have to get that anti crow clause in their Penny. Just in case it goes bad.
  16. You actually think that Nederland will SCORE? Now that's funny! LCM always plays Nederland tough this could be their coming out party who knows.
  17. Don't we have another game tomorrow? Everyone is living in the past, the game is over bring on LCM!
  18. When you run for 220+ yards on a team I would hardly call it slipping by ;D And that silly grin is on the face of every Dog fan when they see #2 getting the ball because you never know when he is going to come out of a pile and take it to the house
  19. LCM always plays NHS tough. I wouldn't put to much stock in all these predictions! We have a way of not playing in the games that we are supposed to win. I hope we have some SR leadership step up and keep the guys in line.
  20. My good friend and Indian fan sent me a text before the game and told me he would bet money that the game plan would be the standard one, run, run, pas, punt. I told him I hoped they didn't change it because it was a good one for us, we have seen it before
  21. Football today is more than just x's and o's. You can know all there is to know about football and never win a game. It's about being a motivator, salesman, and coach today. If you can't motivate your players, your success if any will be short lived. Next you have to be a salesman. If you can't sell your strategy to the players then you will have limited success. Everyone from the clerk at the Stop and Go to the message boards are experts in what the coach should do. If you can't sell them on your game then they will not follow you whole heartedly. There are not many coaches that can do all three well, that's why when you find one you pay them a lot of money to stay.
  22. 1. The fair catch was bobbled which makes it open game. It was bobbled or bothched right there all night, but our coaches insisted on leaving 33 in there to field it.........Our fault. 2. I know the play your talking about and that was a very crappy call. Gaspard was already in full tackle mode before the Ned guy even hit the ground....real bad call. 3. The tackle on Wright on that play went all the way to the benches.....Unbelievable. 4. The calls were not botched....just the penalization. 1. I think if you watch the game tonight you will find that the NHS player was pulling up on the fair catch and was blocked into the receiver. You actually got away with one there, it should have been a penalty for hitting in the back!
  23. YD suffered a stroke, and in the process they found that he had some heart problems. He has been released from the hospital and is at home. He thanks all of you for your prayers.
  24. There is a group out there that need two helpings of crow ;D They had all kinds of words of advice on the Grogan move to RB. He has two starts at RB and has put up yards that most HS RB's don't get in a year. He was a good defensive player, but he is a game changer at RB.
  25. Well some folk thought we should have left him on the defense because he would contribute more to the team on the line. I think he has proved the coaches right. The guy can move the ball!
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