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Everything posted by whattheheck

  1. Go Get EM Ladies.....Let the DANCE Begin!
  2. Way to go ladies....Keep it rolling. NO MERCY
  3. Congrats . Lady Bronco...tune it up and get healthy for your playoff run
  4. It is about time..well deserved...GOOD LUCK TONIGHY
  5. Hill thanks for the heads up on white out...I will wear black.lol I missed the 1st one but I will be there tonight. Broncos shock the world tonight. Looking forward to the game. I volunteered to ref but didn't get picked  ;)  SEE YOU TONIGHT
  6. Congrats Ladies..... now go get em on Tuesday
  7. Great Job Coach and Lady Broncos  Keep it rolling
  8. Way to Go Lady Broncos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Now it sounds like a Dayton vs Barbers Hill game. Sorry I missed it. But I am NOT the  ;)one to join in on refs and BH..lol. can't wait for round 2of and the refs from ElPaso
  10. Thanks .  I hate traffic
  11. Purple I will be in Dallas  @%#$^^@$$  Please keep me updated during the game. Thank You
  12. Going to be a good one and to HIll's Shock  ::) I am Picking the [b]BRONCOS[/b] in a close one. I will be watching on the site to get updates. So keep them coming Hill. Thanks Early.
  13. Good luck Lady Broncos on Friday
  14. Nice win. I am impressed. I need to get in touch with you Hill....I have IN LAW Christmas and the wife wasn't very happy when I ask to miss it for the Dec 16th game. SOOOOOOO I will need updates and I will give you my cell #. Good Luck tomorrow. Dayton shot 22% today and lost to Central.
  15. Yikes looks like everyone was feeling better.
  16. Wow tell her to get better...I always thought her head was harder than that.  ;) I really enjoyed watching the Cowboys win and being at the last UT WIN!!!!
  17. Hill I only hope BH loses twice a year  ;) So off to a great start. BTW loved fishing n Texas game over thanksgiving ...NO FILM..LOL
  18. Hill just a nudge....  you noticed who EVERYONE is looking past. Still think they will have a say before it is over. Have a Great Thanksgiving...and HOOK EM
  19. Got that right hill....Let me know I am Fishing... :D
  20. Very nice..the show down is coming... ;) congrats
  21. Updates please
  22. This is more fun from this side of the bench..... :D Dayton has taken care of business but haven't been tested yet. This was my measuring stick.
  23. OUT STANDING Ladies..keep up the good work. I am proud of you
  24. Closer that I thought.. ;D  Dec 16th around the corner.....Looking forward to seeing everyone. Hey my girls at St.Marys won their 1st game in school history tonight 12-10. This is fun and killing me at the same time.
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