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Everything posted by SFA_97

  1. Does png w pee wee only bring 15 players?
  2. When 7th grade and 8th teams combine from png it gonna be ugly for rest of district.
  3. 8u gladiator baseball team is looking to fill a spot for one kid. To bring our roster to 11 kids. If you would like me to take a look at your kid please contact Kory Wuenschel @ 409.550.6314.
  4. 8u gladiator baseball team is looking to fill a spot for one kid. To bring our roster to 11 kids. If you would like me to take a look at your kid please contact Kory Wuenschel @ 409.550.6314.
  5. Groves 8 Lum 6 7th a team. Gotta play more than 6 min qtr. not fair to the kids
  6. Dont* give.
  7. Hope vidor black give us our annual butt whipping.
  8. Groves 45 Vidor gold 0
  9. 😂
  10. Ready to see #40 get a few carries for png w .. He said he's tired of blocking he wants some glory.
  11. Game canceled due to weather.
  12. Groves 0 lcm 0 half Who makes the rules on 6 min qtr and running clock. Half went by so quick.
  13. Vp. Nunez and Galloway split?
  14. I'll be at groves 7th vs lcm. Post scores as we go
  15. Lamar glad to see you getting your respect man Two bowl wins with both being upsets. Not to sure last yr was an upset though. Hope you guys get your third.
  16. Png w 41 Bmt 7
  17. 8u Gladiators Baseball will be holding its final tryout this Sunday at Port Neches LL at 6 pm. If your kid would like to attend this final tryout please contact Kory Wuenschel @ 409-550-6314
  18. 8u Gladiators Baseball will be holding its final tryout this Sunday at Port Neches LL at 6 pm. If your kid would like to attend this final tryout please contact Kory Wuenschel @ 409-550-6314
  19. Coach Kory Wuenschel will be trying out two kids tomorrow at PNLL. If you would like to come to this tryout on Sunday 8/17 Which is tomorrow at 6pm please contact him at 409-550-6314 Gladiators are trying to finish up tryouts and get ready to fill their roster. Please contact him for a private tryout. Thanks and hope to hear from you.
  20. Coach Kory Wuenschel will be trying out two kids tomorrow at PNLL. If you would like to come to this tryout on Sunday 8/17 Which is tomorrow at 6pm please contact him at 409-550-6314 Gladiators are trying to finish up tryouts and get ready to fill their roster. Please contact him for a private tryout. Thanks and hope to hear from you.
  21. Today on field H
  22. Field H.
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