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Everything posted by Trufan

  1. Lol. Never. I’m just aware of what’s going on.
  2. What do you think it is and where did you get your information?
  3. I have studied ethnic and race behavior and critical race theory at two different universities. It pretty much what I said it is. 🤷🏿‍♂️
  4. First off anything I say will be a perceived oppression to you because I feel that you personally don’t feel any minorities are oppressed. Secondly there may or may not have been attempts to oppress the dude in this video. What ever happens he feels he overcome it. My issue with him is he doesn’t attempt to see outside his bubble.
  5. Yes I agree that administration staff teachers and coaches should reflect the student population in a minority school. I also believe that 100% of those hires should be totally qualified and the tops in their field. I want the best for our kids. The problem is to some non minority folks there are NO minorities that meet their standards. But at the same time they will lower the standards for non minorities. As far as minorities coming to the wos coaching staff. The word is out. “Come to wos at your own risk”. “You will not be treated fairly”
  6. There have been attempts to oppress me. My parents prepared me so the attempts were unsuccessful. Unlike the guy in this video I understand that some of the same attempts to oppress me were successful on others.
  7. Lol this dude is beyond self absorbed and self serving. Enough about him. Critical Race Theory suggests that we teach the true facts about American history. That’s all. Obviously some whits and this black dude think that if you teach the truth blacks and others will hate whites because of the way we were treated. Lol. Sad.
  8. If we are going to have a conversation It requires everyone to be brutally honest and open about their thoughts. Stop being vague. Lol. Soooo what is the reason folks want the Wos AD to step down? Since it has “nothing to do with the state of the other sports”? The so called “real elephant in the room”.
  9. Most of the responses will be about how much the athletic director is loved and how much the football team has won in the past. An athletic director is responsible for ALL sports, boys and girls. The sad fact is the football fans will sacrifice the entire sports program out of loyalty to one man. I thought we were supposed to be loyal to the kids?
  10. It’s past time to address the elephant in the room. It’s time for the athletic director at WOS to step down. The athletic program is struggling. Not from lack of athletes but lack of consistent coaching. There is a TOXIC atmosphere that pushes good coaches away. We are short coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, freshman, 8 grade and 7th grade. This is true for boys and girls sports. Player numbers are dwindling. This is a sign of poor management and would not be tolerated anywhere else.
  11. She changed her mind and decided on Baylor.
  12. Didn't share the article looking for a response. I just knew someone would respond the way you did. Always do. As far as this dude not being perfect, none of us are. We all sin. We all just have different ways of doing it. I could go on and on with this conversation and both of us would be telling the truth. We have both "personally " seen him in action. You are fiercely loyal to your coach. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. The part I don't like is that if someone has a different opinion than you guys, you turn vicious. Lol. Arguing I with a fanatic is not my thing. As my screen name states I am a true fan of sports. I respect the good the bad and the ugly of sports. I hope you guys have a great season ending with the state championship you value so much.
  13. Lol. Not bitter, no ax to grind. I'm not even from here. I only talk about what I see from MY opinion. I love sports. I try to be objective. I don't think that you are being objective at all. You love this dude. He is family to you. You will only see him in a positive light and will over look any short comings. That's cool. That's what family does. I'm gonna need you to stop being so sensitive. This is a high school sports blog. We are all all on here to discuss high school football with others accross Setx. Nothing personal. I posted an article the subject of that article mention a local coach. You made it personal. I responded to your post.
  14. sounds like a user to me. This dude will only coach if there is something in it for him. lol. Do you think he teaches his athletes that if you are in a situation and it looks like you might not win or it's going to be difficult, just cut your losses and walk away. And, on your way out call them losers. I thought the american way was to roll up your sleeves, put your nose to the grind stone and make it happen.
  15. Sooooo let me get this straight. this guy can only coach if the situation is right? lol . I knew one of you would make a post saying exactly what you just stated. According to you, this guy is not responsible for the losses Palestine suffered while he was the coach. You said, "the kids were soft", the school wouldn't allow him to run the program the way he was accustomed and the community wasn't committed. If you don't attach those losses to him then I don't give him credit for the wins at wos. the community is committed. these young men put in work all year long to insure their success. this dude is allowed to do anything he wants, almost to a cult like level.It sounds like wos is a gold mine of talent and work ethic. Any coach would win here.
  16. MP: Best high school memory? AP: The first game my junior year against Huntsville, right outside of Houston. We had a coach there named Coach Thompson, and was at Palestine the previous year. Jeff Harrell came in and was our new coach at Palestine. Thompson transferred out to Huntsville and saying Palestine will never win, and this and that. That got me going.Our first game was against Huntsville. I ran for 359 yards and six touchdowns. We shut them out. That's a game I will never forget.
  17. This says a lot about the young man . it seems like they really want to get him on the field.
  18. I have got to go see him play next year.
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