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  1. What ever happened to the kid from Buna. His name Is Tucker Muckleroy. I think he graduated 2 years ago. I remember seeing him pitch a couple of times. He was very good. Big tall lanky left-hander. If I remember correctly he had awesome stats. I believe consecutive no-hitters in district, pitched in the all star game in Roundrock. Anybody out there interested he may be a diamond in the rough.
  2. Does anyone know what kind of problems Kirbyville is envolved with. If so please post.
  3. Hey Coop. I need some help. With this new format if a post has multiple pages how do you go up or down the pages.
  4. How do i get the game on kogt.
  5. i think 3 teams in each district should go. No d1 or d2. District winner gets bye and 2 and 3 playoff off to advance. In case of ties within the top 3 play it off. during the week if you have to.
  6. I know it was not the longest one, but in the mid 80's Jeff Muckleroy kicked a 35 yarder with 2 seconds left so Jasper could beat LCM at LCM. He was a left footed straight on kicker also.
  7. Are the other classifications out also. If they are where do I find them. Thank you
  8. I would like to know who votes for this also.
  9. Hey Coop you and Michael Peters must have something in common. What have you guys got against this kid from buna.
  10. Hey Coop. As soon as you get times and really the full schedule for these games and practice sessions will you post it on this topic. thank you.
  11. Hey Coop. Do you the times these games will be played. I understand there will be 2 games.
  12. Whats gone on for years. What do you mean. he has WONNNNN
  13. I am sick and tired of hearing the Bridge City people bash their coach. Just from looking at it from the outside they should get behind him and Straighten up those little Prima Donas he is trying to Coach. Look at the man's record. That alone should is something desired by many coaches.
  14. I heard this morning that Tucker Muckleroy from Buna had been chosen.
  15. Hey Coop. You gonna give updates on this game. i understand it is in Carthage.
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