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Everything posted by alwayssomethin

  1. Gonna be an interesting week!!!
  2. My son is 16 and is wanting to play select ball again. He is a hard working kid with a great attitude and love for the game. He can play 1st, 2nd, 3rd, short and pitch.
  3. When does the season start and are games during the week or on Saturdays?
  4. I have a 16u player looking to pick up play. She plays 3rd and 1st and has a strong bat. Her team has lost some players and isn't playing right now. She is on the field 3 days a week for practice. Junior in high school looking for some exposure. Leave message here or email at [email protected]
  5. Her last select team has parted was and she broke her wrist Thanksgiving and had surgery. She was released and able to play the last 2 games of high school ball this season. Looking for a team and coaches that treat everyone equal and coaches that have the girls best interest at heart. Team wise looking for team made of girls that have the same goal in mind which is playing at the next level. They should have great attitude and hard working.
  6. 16u player looking to play ball. She will give you 110% all the time. She plays first and 3rd and has a good bat. She has played select ball since age 12.
  7. Wow really YMBL???? I wonder how many people will not attend because we will not be playing ball next door this year? I know the smell of all that fair food sure did smell good last year during the tourney and probably drew quite a few over to the fair.
  8. Hubby is going to call you.
  9. I also have a 13u player looking for a team. Can play ANY infield postition.
  10. Who are the coaches?
  11. Not enough that's for sure! Have a 12yr old (13 in March) and we have found him one tryout!
  12. We enjoyed meeting everyone today! B enjoyed working out with the team. 
  13. We are looking forward to the tryout and meeting ya'll.  I've talked to the coach a couple of times and really like what he's told me about is coaching style!
  14. Sure wish you had a 13u team. 
  15. Willing to let him play up with 14u also.
  16. He is 12 now and will turn 13 March 17, 2013.  He played league ball and is currently on a 12u team that will remain 12 u next yr.  He can literally play any postion. His favorite position is catcher and 2nd base and he pitches. He has played ball every year since he was old enough.
  17. Looking for a 13u team for my son to try-out for. He has select experience, great student, great attitude, and gives 110% all the time. Can play ANY position!
  18. Way to go Bailey!!
  19. Are you still interested in a new team??? Contact me PLEASE!!
  20. We are still looking for a team. Will play up.
  21. I have a 12yr old son wanting to play select ball. He is a very good player and can play ANY position. His favorites are catcher and short stop. He gives 110% all the time and has a wonderful attitude. Willing to even play up 13u or 14u.
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