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Everything posted by whatnamecanipick

  1. that kinda post coul get you banned unless you are buddy/buddy with the mod's.
  2. Where is my prediction of Aggie flame out OT.   Do not get senile on me.   Aggies played a great game. Gloat and polish your boots.   Great game on the road.
  3. Great game for the Aggies.   I couldn't watch all the game. I did not want to jinx\ them.   Win #1 in very critical third year.    I guess they forced a punt too. PM19 get a kiss?
  4. I use Texas A&M   -  OK I use Aggies - OK Agricultural and Mechanical - is not this the A&M?   Defending your school is great and fun. That is why I post. This site is more fun than TexasAgs or Hornfans.   I just want the Aggies not to get too euphoric and look at the facts. They have done more for the sec, than the sec has done for them. The success they had in year 1 had zero to do with the sec. This is a critical year for Texas A&M.
  5. Hey team first   You know that LSU's colors are purple and yellow.   Do you know why they say there colors are purple and gold?   They can't spell yellow. Geaux Tigers   sec, sec, sec, three little letters and spelling is not required
  6. I started this thread it is about winning.and Baylor being the top program in Texas. Are you going to debate me on the topic on this thread. Go back, finish your nap.   Phatmack tried to spin.....sorry
  7. So I use Aggie, You want me to use Aggy. I am confused.   I thought that Aggie was feminine and plural.   I did not go to college for English, but chances are anyone posting on this forum did not either.
  8. You have to remember that most, not all, Aggies do not have a sense of humor.   That's why we have Aggie jokes.
  9. 2 PM    Let the pregame begin
  10. Kliff is not smart enough to figure it out. He had to learn it somewhere.
  11. The Rebels will show the Bronc's a little southern hospitality.   I would love to be at that tailgate today. 
  12. Most popular? We all know about stuffing the ballot boxes.   In one of your previous posts you have already told us that Baylor is the Top Football  Program in Texas.   Why are you back tracking?  Faster than a fiddler crab, If I do say so.  LOL
  13. But I can wait outside the stadium and as soon as the game starts, a lot of scalpers are looking to unload.
  14. So we as fans, should start requesting for discounted prices whenever the opponent is not "Power 5".
  15. After Whirlwind Offseason, Texas Head Coach Charlie Strong Is Ready for Game Day   [Hidden Content]
  16. Texas Football: 5 Stars Who Will Break out in 2014   [Hidden Content]
  17. and yet you chose to respond.   What grade does that put you in?   tu = The University of Texas = pride in my state and school
  18. only at the Animal Shelter!   LOL  :D  :D  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
  19. This is a huge game for the Aggies and Coach Sumlin.
  20. I ordered the tickets last night.   9000 X $25 = $ 225,000   I used my credit card. My wife yelled at me cause I used the wrong card (debit) again.    Anyone need a ticket?   You can see the game better on LHN. 
  21. You should understand.   I'm just like all the other experts who post on this forum. I'm just letting you know my background.   You can follow me on tweeter, if you like.
  22. A solid win with the right attitude.
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