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Everything posted by whatnamecanipick

  1. more from Coach Strong............   Head coach Charlie Strong cautioned against putting too much stock into facility improvements in his own interview with Sirius XM's Camp Tour. "I'll tell a kid, 'Hey, we have a nice training room but at night you're not sleeping in that training room,'" Strong said. "You're going to go off to your dorm room or go wherever you go. "If a young man is coming here for a facility he's coming here for the wrong reason," he added. "I want him to come here because he loves the University of Texas. I want him to come here because he wants to get an education, a great degree from a great university and that he wants to play for this great university. That's what it's all about."
  2. Well in the words of a few Aggies.   I hope Coach Chuckie has them boys ready! But the Longhorns are playing the Bruin at Jerry World.   I think that this game will go a long way in shaping the future of Longhorn Football. Not the outcome, but the way the game is played.
  3. Is the new scoreboard in English or Doggie?   You would have thought that a vet would have figured out by now that dogs do not speak English.
  4. Coach Meyer is one of the best. He will have the Buckeye's ready.
  5. Rumor has it that the four players are going to OU.
  6. Well it looks like nobody still cares   Go Ducks
  7. I remember well. Bernie was the top dual threat QB coming out of high school. He was no where on the recruiting charts until Texas offered and then he was a 5*. He really showed his stuff at the elite 11 camp that year.
  8. maybe I'm too old fashioned, but I wish we had hired Coach Strong after Fred Akers.   I know he would have been a little bit young for the job, but I bet that nobody bullied him in the sandbox. 
  9. Coach Strong, Chuckie, will win more games in his first year than Coach Sumlin wins his third year.
  10. Year three sounds like it is going to tough on Coach Sumlin.   2012 2 losses 2013 4 losses 2914 6 losses projected   Certainly not the trend that my Aggie friends are going to be happy with.
  11. That's more than Johnny Football could do. Gigem
  12. Again impressed by what is going on in Austin.   Another 4* recruit is leaving the program per Bleacher Report. I believe this makes 12.   Another schollie for a player willing to work hard to be a Longhorn.
  13. I missed it.   I did DVR the Juhnny show on ESPN2
  14. I have been watching the SEC network and I am impressed, but I have not seen A&M playing yet. I know there are only so many spots, but they did have Johnny Football for the last two years. I have seen the aggies on the LHN at least 6 times in he last week and I know what the outcome of every game will be.    I know it is hard to believe but most longhorns live for more than football or sports and appreciate the diversity of the LHN.    I am still waiting for the Aggie Selective Sports network. I really think that A&M would greatly benefit from having their own network. They could carry midnight yell practice, the Dixie Chicken, the bonfire, and all the great Aggie traditions.
  15. LOL  TTU #1   OK but remember your pick.
  16. yea   and I have suffered through worse than Mack Brown. MB lost the team after losing to Alabama in BCS title game   My first MNC was before Emory Bellard invented the wishbone.
  17. Year three is a big one for Coach Sumlin.   His recruits will have to start producing  on both sides of the ball. Would not want him to be labeled "Coach February".   I'm sure that he has won a conference championship somewhere. Possibly at UH. 
  18. Let's see who will have the best record.   Stoops or Sumlin   Did not Stoops win MNC by year three at OU?
  19. year three is a big year for the Aggies and Coach Sumlin.    We will get to see post-johnny, first game, on the national SEC Network. Gigem   I can't wait. It is going to be exciting to watch.
  20. suspended for the first game sorry
  21. I'm waiting to see the a&m championship game.                     Still waiting.    Missouri has been there. What an embarrassment to have your B12 adder make it before you. Gigem
  22. Top 3, Baylor, TTU, OU   Texas needs another year, then look out.
  23. PAC 12 will always be overlooked in this part of the world.   Before cable TV we never got to see them play a game because of the timezone differences.    Top 3, ASU, UCLA, and Stanford.   USC needs another year. JMO
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