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Everything posted by DirtyBird

  1. I think a lot of y’all are underestimating Tatum.
  2. Maybe we’ll surprise you.
  3. Just 17?
  4. What y’all boys think?
  5. Class 3A-D1 Tatum vs Grandview @ Athens Friday 7:00
  6. Timpson vs Frankston @ Henderson Thursday 7:30
  7. Elysian Fields vs Hemphill @ Timpson Friday 7:00
  8. Pewitt is playing Atlanta this week.
  9. I thought Tatum looked good in the live quarters. 10 plays for 3 TDs.
  10. Teams should do intrasquad scrimmages this week.
  11. We’ll start the season, that way the UIL can say “We’ll, we tried” and they they won’t look so bad to all us football fans. Lol
  12. 3A-D1 Give me Tatum. We fixing to rise from the ashes. Lots of talent and a new OC that appears to be a good ‘ne.
  13. I’ve read where Center’s QB (Hicks) moved to SA.
  14. Is not not possible to win both games AND the Championship?
  15. Looks like Jasper will play Pittsburg. Could be a really good game.
  16. We were told that the visitors bleachers weren't ready. I figure Jasper just wants to get us on grass...lol
  17. If you give Tatum 30 points, I like our chances.
  18. Tatum Jasper Diboll Huntington Rusk District sweep
  19. Thursday night - Tyler for the Gilmer/LE game. Friday night - Tatum for the Tatum/Arp game.
  20. Could be worse. We could be Kountze fans.
  21. What we lack in discipline, we make up for with foolishness. We in for a long season fellas.
  22. I got to +1 this. Some of the other East Texas teams done put us in our place. Said we done for because we went 0-10 last year. So I guess we'll see yall in basketball.
  23. Less than 2 months until the first scrimmage. I think you'll survive.
  24. Where is the line drawn that divides East Texas and Southeast Texas? Hwy 84? Nac? Lufkin?
  25. 2 months until first scrimmage.
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