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Everything posted by tbs8590

  1. okay first of all, i'm kenton, second i graduated, third who cares!. this website is ridiculous sometimes so people just relax
  2. kenton will own this year... you'll see. he's going to win every tournament. just watch.
  3. i heard kenton boone is doing awesome.. he's been playing all summer and practicing and i hear he's even better than deaver and bug combined... thats what i hear
  4. go look and tell me when i have talked crap on anyone lately. i did it last year because casey word from warren wouldnt let things go. clement and i won the kelly tournament. and we only got to play four this year thanks to kelly b.s. so we didn't have very many chances. we just got second in district and we are going to state.
  5. he didnt talk crap..
  6. anyone can win and lose at any moment. and terry and nolan both come to group at eta.. they played well we didnt it happens.
  7. its hard to win a tournament when deavers and scott are playing. scott has really picked up his game. and he plays at eta. so no talking there.
  8. Pfister could easily dominate the area. and yet doesnt play.... oh well
  9. hes not being cocky about it he's just saying that deaver is not unbeatable. noone is.
  10. immature... and i don't even want to address the kelly stereotype that you just discussed.. bug is just saying that it doesnt matter what stuff you have. and quit attacking him. if you just want to put him down then your no better than the person youre accusing.
  11. i think nolan and terry have a real shot at district... they are good and learning how to play together. me and bug beat k-ville pretty easily. had more trouble with h-f if i had to think about it... and h-f beat us.. so im placing my bets on h-f
  12. who knows anyone can lose at any moment even matthew. hes a great player and a nice guy but you can tell he doesnt care as much at high school tournaments so anyone can catch him off guard. its just who has the potential to actually take him out....
  13. its all good it was an off day and bug was just kidding on that last one... trust me.
  14. he hasn't had just one off day. grant played close with him. bug did too. its a toss up i think. but everyone will probably argue this so why do i even post it. oh well
  15. yepp H-F beat boone and bug in the finals in the third set super tie break 11-9... it was a great match... with some tough breaks but it was really a mental breakdown on kellys side of the court. h-f is a solid team with a very good chance at district.
  16. its funny how sports look to people who dont play them. try playing tennis competatively and see how frustrating it gets. ive played years of team sports and nothing was as intense as playing tennis
  17. maybe not this year. but they are going to get the ball rolling again. well see in the kelly tourney this week. they definitely have the deepest team
  18. haha sure is a lot of tennis talk on here.. and thanks for that that was real cute
  19. wow he is our friend... were sticking up for him because you obviously dont know that he is playing awesome
  20. i took from tony buagues... or however you spell it and i also took from russel.. and others at elite... jorge.. ive taken from aldrin campos.. all of them are great coaches.. you are entitled to your opinion.. im talking about the other guy.. hes always talking crap on us.. tony is more of a long term coach.. he fixes things for the better.. and you cant just abandon his changes if you really want them.. because he teaches a good grip and an awesome swing.. the head coach at ut told me i had a perfect forehand stroke.. i ahve a card to prove it. tony taught me that forehand.. hes a longterm coach that you cant take from once and get a full effect... coaches arent a miracle workers.. i am just getting pissed off not by you but by the athlete5
  21. alright man... im done with your crap... you have no idea what tennis is obviously.. and its really pissing me off that your on here talking crap all the time.. we dont say tony is a god minick... we say that hes the best coach weve had.. we dont go around talking crap on your coach.. were just defending him.. but really come on down to brentwood.. you wont embarass me if you beat me just come on down... please.. i would love the practice out there
  22. alright bro. you talk crap on tony. you talk crap on our team. please come out to brentwood... we really want to play you
  23. haha its hilarious eh garsnare... are you drunk? haha people have no idea what they are talking about with clement... oh and next year.. watch out for brad legato.. he's picking up his game... and here's my ranking of next years tennis 1)deaver 2)desai 3)herr 4)bug 5)carnley 6)boone 7)wehner 8)legato im trying to figure out where lopez would go... havn't played him in a while.. and just you wait and see... sarah pfister will be top girls player of the area... and she can play with all the guys on that list... i mean she has been in practice.. take away the serve and its anyones match... garsnare? thoughts on the list?
  24. haha you have no idea who this girl is... and its a tie break.. sarah pfister will kill next year.. she could more than likely beat a lot of the guys that are playing varsity tennis
  25. im not bashing anyone... give me a example of when i did
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