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Everything posted by CardinalBacker

  1. Them Beaumont Boys got a lot of “quit” in ‘em.
  2. Nope… he participated. I don’t blame him for retaliating… but now he needs to accept his punishment like a man. For all you know, the HD kid was pointing at his own chin and saying “hit me… I dare you.” If he was, should he still get off with no punishment? He had a choice. Retreat and avoid all punishment, or retaliate and take whatever consequences result. These are the consequences of reacting with violence.
  3. It’s an escalation. I remember when one of the Supreme Court Justices mouthed “that’s not true” during Obama’s SOTU…. Shortly after somebody yelled “you lie” at Obama during a different SOTU. I don’t condemn either side for escalating… it’s the nature of the beast. But episodes like MTG’s give rise to episodes like this one.
  4. You argued that only HD got punished. Or at least that’s what your sources told you. And it wasn’t true.
  5. I remember last year when MTG was acting a fool and thought “well… somebody’s gonna get their chance to respond eventually,” now here we are.
  6. Well, well, well…. It seems as if you (or at least your credible sources) didn’t know what they were talking about.
  7. No, Genius. The kid that got ejected shouldn’t have been there. The kid that he hit shouldn’t have fought back… but he chose to defend himself. No worries, can’t blame him… but he should be punished for retaliating. The rest of the team and their mamas jumping in? Wrong on every level, and this punishment is well deserved. One kid punching another doesn’t justify the whole team running into the stands swinging. At least not among civilized people.
  8. Well, my 401k has officially fallen below what it was worth back when Biden/Harris were running things. At least it took a couple years for him to wreck the economy last time…. He’s less than two months in and already crapping the bed.
  9. That’s the funny part…. Trumps corruption was proven by the process of his first impeachment, but the allegations against Biden are unsubstantiated… he’s never been charged with a crime. What’s Trump’s felony conviction tally? 35? Fools, I say. All fools. I thought prices were doing down when Trump took office? Inflation is ticking up, home sales are down, we’re sending regular troops to the Mexican border, and relations with Canada are in the tank. But tax cuts are on the way! That’s what we need… less revenue to pay on our exploding debt.
  10. Y’all seem to forget what actually happened in 2019… “The Trump–Ukraine scandal revolved around efforts by former U.S. president Donald Trump to coerce Ukraine and other foreign countries into providing damaging narratives about 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary candidate Joe Biden, as well as information relating to the origins of previous political attacks against him, such as the claims investigated by Robert Mueller. Trump enlisted surrogates within and outside his official administration, including his lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr, to pressure Ukraine and other foreign governments to cooperate in investigating conspiracy theories concerning American politics.[19][20][21][22][23] Trump blocked but later released payment of a congressionally mandated $400 million military aid package to allegedly obtain quid pro quocooperation from Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine. A number of contacts were established between the White House and the government of Ukraine, culminating in a phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy on July 25, 2019.[19][20][21][24]Less than two hours later, on behalf of the President, senior executive budget official Michael Duffey discreetly instructed the Pentagon to continue withholding military aid to Ukraine.” Zelenskyy wouldn’t dance for Trump then, and he won’t dance for him now. The man is a hero, and the treatment he’s received from the United States is appalling. Trump is a fool, and only fools support him.
  11. The fact is that Trump withheld military aid and an invitation to the White House from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump's political opponent Joe Biden. In fact, Trump was impeached for doing so. Y’all got selective memories.
  12. Are you talking about the quid pro quo between trump/giuliani and the Ukranians or the relationship between the Bidens and Ukrainians? See it for what it is… Ukraine relies on the U.S. for its very survival and BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES have exploited their vulnerability to Russian aggression for their own selfish motives. The problem now is that the Ukrainian well has run dry for bribery and Trump is pissed. Think how stupid you sound… “zelensky is just a crook like the rest of them… this has nothing to do with the war, which is probably fake, too. We need to just abandon NATO because they aren’t thankful enough to Trump for all he’s done for them.” It’s amateur hour in DC now, and Putin is going to do everything he can to return the East into the Soviet Union of old. You see, he wasn’t a failed reality tv show host whose daddy set him up in real estate…. He was the head of the KGB before taking control of Russia. Trump is out here demanding accolades and Putin is rebuilding an empire by force… they aren’t the same, and Trump doesn’t even realize he’s playing a game, much less losing it.
  13. Nice explanation … but how did they (Biden/Zelensky) convince Putin to invade? Only a Trumpskin would somehow believe that the country that got invaded is responsible for a war being waged on their own turf…. Because he wouldn’t lick trump’s boots.
  14. Yeah….. the whole problem was that Zelensky wouldn’t kiss the ring and it infuriated Trump and Vance. The man’s country was invaded by our supposed adversary, and the Ukrainians have fought them off for three years… how dare their President not fly to Washington and publicly thank Trump? Let’s see… Ukraine, Canada, Mexico, ALL of NATO…. who needs allies when the Orange man is office? “Not us!” the dummies all yell in unison. We’re a bad joke.
  15. It’s funny how quickly y’all went from posting fb profile pics of the Ukrainian flag to being pro Russia just because Trump said so.
  16. But y’all elect somebody who attacks everybody… foreign, domestic, democrat, Republican, cabinet members, media, handicapped, female, etc, etc…. But we should all somehow come together? So naive.
  17. Horrible. But he’s doing like he promised. Cutting taxes while ignoring the thing that’s going to imprison our children…. The debt.
  18. No, he didn’t pay any federal income taxes like you and I have to do. Saying “oh, well I pay millions of dollars in sales taxes on the items that I buy with my untaxed BILLIONS” isn’t the same as paying income taxes. Neither is claiming all kinds of taxes paid by his businesses as his own Elon, like Trump, pay no personal income taxes. They also have the power to change that now that they control the presidency and both houses, but they won’t. You get penalized for your success… why shouldn’t the rich?
  19. The tax code is a joke… both sides use tax policies that appeal to their voters and keep them in power. That’s it, period. Whether you’re promising to give unsustainable handouts or instead promise to give unsustainable tax breaks, it’s just promising gifts to gain votes and it works. A progressive tax system is fair and moral in my mind, but when I pay more federal income taxes than Donald Trump and Elon Musk COMBINED, something is wrong with our system. DOGE is claiming to have saved 55 billion dollars, but the bill passed today will add 4.5 Trillion to our debt by way of unsustainable tax cuts. In other words, drop the zeroes and they’re justifying $4500 with of deficit spending because they’re saving $55…. And plan on sending everybody a $5000 (real money) check to celebrate their hard work. Our tax code is a joke.
  20. Moshier was a liability under center about every third week. I’ve got Bryson and Hunter.
  21. Sure you can. Schools get banned from postseason play before the season even starts sometimes. [Hidden Content] October 2024, the girls team at a faith Harmony was banned from postseason play before the season even started. Burkeville got a postseason ban, just like HD. The fact that they weren’t going to make the playoffs was purely incidental. And you just admitted they it’s your OPINION that Burkeville didn’t get a ban. You’ve got no evidence to show that Burkeville was spared punishment. Please revisit when the UIL makes its decision public, please.
  22. Forgive me, but I keep hearing how HD fans think it’s unfair because they’re missing the playoffs while BVille wasn’t going anyways. Otherwise I’ve seen no proof, other than news reports that state the opposite. Not redacted, either.
  23. Is it possible that the UIL believed that HD (and its fans) bore the majority of the blame for the rumble/brawl/donnybrook? Because honestly, I do. Was there a release by the UIL over the discipline? I haven’t seen it.
  24. They both got the same punishment… a playoff ban. It just didn’t affect Burkeville as badly as it did HD. HD, who appeared to have much, much more of the blame for what occurred that evening. I’m walking up the street with two of my boys and somebody walks up and sticks a gun in our faces and demands all of our money. My two friends are both carrying wallets full of cash, but I left mine at home. You’re trying to argue that the three of us didn’t get robbed. We all DID get robbed, it just sucked worse for my buddies than for me. The concept is simple. All parties fairly got a playoff ban. It just didn’t cost BVille as much.
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