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Everything posted by lloydchristmas

  1. Why not fitzhenry? One of the winningest football coaches in high school football the past 4 years. Can't argue with a record like that!
  2. Actually, wouldn't it be you'RE an idiot? Get your grammar together before calling anyone an idiot. So you have nothing to ad to this conversation! YOU'RE and IDIOT also. Speveto started this thread with accusations about a high schoo player that were totally wrong. I was just saying that if a person is going to start a thread make sure they have the facts correct. Don't sling mud when you don't know what you are talking about.
  3. Spevto, your an idiot!!! I know excatly who your talking about when you talk about a 18 year old sophmore that played for his dads team. The boy graduated last year as a 19 year old senior. He turned 19 after the football season ended. Get your facts together before you start slinging mud. LLOYD.....
  4. How is it that Woodville has the same type of athlete, but can't hang with the big boys like Newton or Kirbyville? Is it coaching or is it the kids don't have any interest? From what I was always told "IT ALL COMES DOWN TO COACHING"!!
  5. WOW!!!! You guys are all a bunch of retards. I know its all in good fun, but do you seriously think that Permian would even consider this game. I know coach c wouldn't even dream of it. Get your heads out of you A$$'$. GOOBERS!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. By the way. I know the Hussey kid. He's a darn good kid and a darn good RB!!!
  7. I think that anybody from Lumberton is an absolute MORON!!! And you are proving my point on this thread. Get a GRIP!! Who cares, all three are contributing members to a pretty good football team. You start this kind of stuff up and you will see how fast it crumbles!!!!
  8. Does anyone have any Idea how to get video on the Northwester St. Demon and the old Northeastern La. Indian mascot fight that happened about 10 or so years ago. I remmember it being on ESPN.
  9. I'm not saying Kashmere beats you, Just tellin you to not get to cocky. They will have better athletes, just not as well coached. Just watch out!!!!
  10. Kashmere is better than you think!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. They Lost to a Peppermint candy wrapper? What does that mean. They lost to the #1 team in the state. Giddings looks to be pretty good!
  12. Hennigan Park is off of HWY 190 towards Livingston. It's one of the best Feilds that either team will play on this year. Other that prob. Lufkin feild.
  13. Woodville coach. HENNIGAN
  14. I have a question? I know that Woodville has had alot of success, but I always hear about the head coach. I know he is a goober, but, how can you argue about the level of play that he produces year in and year out. If you ask me, COACH OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!
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