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XX Man

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About XX Man

  • Birthday 11/15/1957

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  • Location
    West Orange
  • Interests
    All outdoors

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  1. Who is your dad?

    1. XX Man

      XX Man

      He passed in 1980. I doubt you ever knew him. Guy Collins. While your dad and Bob Franks coached together, he never said much about Franks. I put Franks and Green in the same category.

    2. chukslegacy


      I am sorry to hear that.  I always enjoy meeting and talking with people who knew my Dad.  Im not liked by many WOS fans even though my oldest played for Coach T.  I tend to open my mouth when I should have kept it closed.  I have a lot of respect for the Mustang program and Coach T but we have had our differences also.  Did you have a sister named Cookie Collins? 

    3. XX Man

      XX Man

      No, Cookie was a couple years ahead of me. I have 2 brothers that graduated in 62 an 63. I graduated in 76.

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