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Everything posted by Cowboy620

  1. Black and Gold Tigers! was asking if the Dist 11-12 fans from Reg 3 would wish us luck as we carry the Region 3 banner forward against Yoakum
  2. Checking back in Ry44 Maybe you guys from Region 3 can wish us a little luck as we carry the Region Banner Yoakum is best team out of 4 in this class in long long time Going to be a tough one in Austin
  3. Enjoyed the Forumn last couple weeks Hope your Holidays are great in SE Texas Love Thanksgiving Morning football prac Ry14 your early prediction was dead on It's battle of Tigers in Waco Friday
  4. Nice try we had 2 Div 1 players and we lost in a Regional Final that was as good as it gets in 3 games West rolled to the State Title with ease that was the State Title Game
  5. Anything is possible on Any Given Night
  6. We don't play keep away with our offense its to explosive
  7. Eagles1 I think it's going to be a tight game
  8. Then Kirbys defense will have done what no one else has done this season The Tigers had 5 turnovers against Teague and scored 40 their low output of the year
  9. I think Woodville can beat Yoe but the issue I see is that they have never been in that position in the big game Yoe has been many times in that position and has the experience
  10. No one in Malakoff will be predicting that type of route The Wildcats are talented and have weapons The Tigers will be favored but that's why we play the games
  11. Ok I though that Kirby had to beat Buna by 9?
  12. Is this the final order for playoff seeding? Woodville Coldsprings Buna Kirbyville
  13. JWbass we have had some injuries that are tough and missing two key pieces Win Friday night was one for the ages we stopped them on 4-1 at 1 then drive 99 to win it Region is crazy tough but I think we will have a say but going to be a very tough road
  14. We were told I guess it depends on who u ask! Drone was OK as long as it did not fly over the crowd or film the game so you could hover it in the endzone for a video of the crowd etc If that were FCC regulations on No sporting events curious about seeing them at NFL games etc?
  15. If Barbay was still there coming down to 3A Div 1 Coldsprings would be a factor in the deepest Region by far in the state in this classification.
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