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Everything posted by Jsmity

  1. TEEN WOLF #1 ;jhu
  2. Matt wrote: it still doesn't make sense, its kind of like moving png or nederland into a district with livingston, willis, caney creek, etc. how would you develop a rivalry, you know people and interact with people that are close by, but i don't know to many people 60 miles away, its like "oh yeah we play them, go team, guess i'll read about it in the paper" welcome to our world here at West Brook lol
  3. How about Joe Chasain?????? REMARKABLE ATHLETE. He will be going to a D-1 school in the fall of 2007, that is a garantee.
  4. I went through like 6 different sites and pages to find them on accident too. Try rivals. Then google it if you cant find them. I did it at shcool so when I get back tomorow I will try to find out for ya.
  5. Really????? BC over WB??? :shock: I still dont think that people are giving West Brook enough respect.
  6. Radio was really sad. I forgot about Remember the Titans too but I still think Rudy #1
  7. WATER SUCKS IT REALY REALY SUCKS Not as much as that movie though. :off
  8. lol I put in one to many IS's. I dont see why thats a big deal though?
  9. Dont really let us know how you feel.
  10. Sterlings pitching is line up is nationaly ranked.
  11. Yea. One second is the greatest in your life then the all the rest that follow are the worst.
  12. Oh yea I know. It wasnt ment in a remark towards your poll, just stating it in conversation lol.
  13. It has been a really hard last month here at the Brook. A lot of my good friends play baseball and they know that all of us are supporting them and will continue to untill the end. They still have a shot at postseason play its just a long one.
  14. Hmmmmm your asking the wrong guy. It is hard to predict. Especially in April. A lot could hapen from now to then you know.
  15. I am going to have to disagree. No offense to Dayton. I wouldnt be suprised if they didnt make the playoffs in this district.
  16. I would have to switch that order. I am pretty much close to tears every time I see Rudy caried off the field in the end. :oops:
  17. Is this the same Ron Jackson who went from Vincent to PA???????
  18. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I dont really know what to say about this one :?
  19. Boy Central has got some ATHLETES man. Look out south east texas. If they get hot at the right time we all could be making several trips to houston.
  20. Yea I dont think anyone will be able to keep up with Brook in the new district with Westfield and Spring out and Humble spliting.
  21. Maybe I am just not as fascinated as others by it. I just like grass I guess. lol
  22. That doesnt make any sense. Soccer should never be played on any thing but grass. The ball rolls endlessly and bounces differently as well. Just not good for soccer.
  23. Four of top 20 in 22-5A. Toughest district in the state at any level hands down, no questions asked.
  24. Its seldom I get a chance to speak well about Ozen but their basketball games are insane man. Those bleachers nead restabalization after a game. Only been to one though and it was an interesting experience.
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