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Everything posted by BASEBALLFANS

  1. Kennon out at 1st with 2 outs. Cooper at bat with Peno on deck.  Vidor leads 4-2
  2. 4 straight balls to Maxwell. Bases loaded for Vidor with Hagler at bat
  3. Mojica HBP. And Maxwell was on deck and now at bat. Hagler on deck. 1 out with Olbrich @ 2nd & Mojica on 1st
  4. Stevenson bunts down 1st base line & thrown out.  Olbrich walks with Mojica @ bat. Hagler on deck
  5. Maxwell throws the batter out @ 1st to end the inning. Top of 5. Stevenson at bat for Vidor w/Olbrich in deck
  6. Ball gets past Stevenson again. Runner scores with a runner on 2nd. Livingston up 2-0 in bottom of 4
  7. Batter singles to LF. Runners at the corners. #6 on deck
  8. Batter swings and misses in the dirt. Gets past Stevenson to advance to 1st.  Batter bunts to pitcher.  Out at 1st & advances the runner. SS #9 @ bat with 2 outs. C#10 on deck
  9. Batter flies out to Kennon in LF. 13 @ bat w/#2 on deck
  10. Vidor pitching change. Armstrong on the hill. Maxwell to SS. Hagler @ 3rd. Kennon moves to LF w/Olbrich @ 2nd. RF #11 @ bat for Livingston with 13 on deck
  11. Zerko goes down swinging.  Headed to bottom of 4
  12. Peno long out to CF. Stevenson on deck. 2 outs
  13. Flyball to Mojica to end the inning. Livingston strands 3. End of 3. Livingston still up 1-0. Brice Cooper @ bat for Vidor w/Peno on deck
  14. Catcher inteference. Bases loaded. #4 @ bat. 11 on deck. 2 outs
  15. Fierce battle with Maxwell for a walk. #7 LeBlanc @ bat. Runners @ 1st & 2nd with 2 outs. #4 on deck for Livingston
  16. Hits to SS Olbrich for out 2. P #6 gets one past Hagler at 2nd for a single. #19 @ bat
  17. SS # 9 at bat. Flies out to 2nd. C #10 at bat
  18. Kennon flies out to end the inning. Strands 2. Livingston 1-0 headed to bottom of 3
  19. Hagler flies out to RF. Kennon at bat. Cooper on deck. 2 outs
  20. Mojica out at 1st. Advances the runner. Maxwell @ bat
  21. Hits to pitcher to end the inning.  Headed to top of 3. Livingston up 1-0. Olbrich up to bat for Vidor
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