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Everything posted by 1212kmg
I'm so sorry. Did I need to spell that out for you? Yes, I am speaking of the accused and now self-admitted Go Pro user/abuser. And, I don't need film but thanks for the advice.
How do you know if they won't let anyone look at it?
No, I doubt Bobcat would ever feel the need to police me. Well, maybe I shouldn't hold my breath on that one since he takes it upon himself to be the master of security at all the games and he and others are known to fabricate details. I feel pretty certain if he puts that camera in the face of someone who is already trash talking or acting inappropriately than it will incite a riot. He just needs to leave that alone. By all means, video the game and review it until his little heart is content but don't edit it and than take it to the board to fabricate some alleged violation on a coach. Desperation at its best.
I agree with this -- if a child gets hurt because of having to sub in due to the mercy rule yet another reason to rethink it.
He is going to start a riot if he takes it upon himself to go around policing parents, getting in their face, etc. -- the tensions are already high as it is and he is being abusive. I don't condone the actions of parents who can't control their words or behavior but it is not up to him to tell them to stop! Once again, I don't have a problem with him videoing the game but it is when he uses the video to allege coaches have violated some vague and undefined rule and then won't show the video to that coach it becomes a problem. I love how some like to spin what people are trying to say.
Am I supposed to understand what this means? No clue -- and I have not once bashed any child's talent or lack thereof.
I was also saying in several posts earlier that he should not be using the video of the game in the STJFL board proceedings against the coaches b/c their by-laws don't allow the use of video or other demonstrative evidence. That is my main point and what really all started this post be he opened a can of worms by admitting he goes around videoing individuals who he thinks are out of line.
My last post was addressing the link posted by "thetragichippy." I was not saying he could not video the game, etc. if he is in a public space. However, by his own statement, he is doing more than just videoing a public sporting event. He has taken on the role of security basically by trying to monitor the parents, etc. A bullet from the article you posted which bolsters my point: - Police officers may order citizens to cease activities that are truly interfering with legitimate law enforcement operations. In general, a court will trust an officer's judgment about what is "interfering" more than yours. So if an officer orders you to stand back, do so. I would say security is up to the police and no one else. Once he turns from the public sporting event itself (the game) and starts narrowing down on individuals, his "intent" and "purpose" has changed and that is where I see a problem.
He is harassing people if he is going up to them with the camera to "silence" them or whatever he wants to call it. He is going to insight a riot with those sort of antics. That is my point on his efforts to get spectators to conform to his rules. You are missing my point entirely.
And I can only imagine a handful of circumstances that would really warrant calling the police. It is outlandish to think he or anyone believes it is okay for him to go around intimidating people with his Go Pro Camera when he (a mere STJFL Board member) thinks the may be acting inappropriately. Once again - a very subjective interpretation. It is hysterical that anyone thinks this is normal.
"You are the type of person the police talk about at the end of shift……smh." The point to be taken by that is that he is not the police and should not go around policing people's behavior at a youth football game. Leave that to the police. I wasn't saying that I would call the police necessarily but he is not operating with a full stack if he thinks that may not or cannot happen with his behavior. He is only antagonizing people by doing it. Get a grip -- if you see someone acting out of line -- go grab the police officer who is patrolling the game if there is one or call them. Wow! You only see what you want to see sometimes. . . . vp93 -- if the coaches signed off on the rules, then great -- show them a copy and remind them. the problem is you can't predict every possible scenario that could arise so either get rid of the rule altogether or implement one that isn't subject to numerous interpretations (e.g. stop the game if the score variation reaches a certain point and then end of story).
If they are really concerned about the score being so lopsided, then implement a true mercy rule like in baseball. It's over when it's over and no one can question anything.
Oh, I forgot. Yes, I could call the police and ask that he be detained for harassment if I am doing nothing wrong (which is most like the case from what I can gather) and he is following me around with a camera in my face. Also called stalking and borders on an assault if you know the law and how it is defined. He is on a slippery slope.
Parents who are videoing their children at a public sporting event clearly have implied permission to do so. You misunderstood what I was saying -- he has no authority to video and then try to use it to eject people from a game or punish a coach based on the STJFL by-laws. Is he himself going to physically eject people from a game? Really? The STJFL is not a police state. Do they hold a STJFL civil docket hearing and enter a ruling saying a parent can never return to a public STJFL sporting event? Last I checked, there would have to be some citation from the police for that to happen. If you truly believe it is okay to use the video because the rules don't specifically ban the use of video then I guess you would think it is okay for them to carry pepper spray and handcuffs on the field to enforce these undefined rules and punishments. Where does it end? If it were being used fairly and openly, no one would be having a problem with it most likely. It is being used as a tool to further personal vendettas from those on the Board plain and simple. No one is saying that the STJFL is bad. They are saying that the four who have abused their power need to be reined in. It is highly relevant that the majority of the STJFL board abstained from the vote on punishing the two Beaumont coaches.
"The use of the GoPro is to document the conduct of coaches that Are F'bombing 5/6 year old kids and refs. Today, we a very vocal parent/Fan on the sideline. As soon as this parent saw the GoPro as I appoarched them , the situation was immediate defused. These adults that conduct themselves in an unsportsmanlike manners have very short memories and 1,000 reasons to justify this conduct. I'm very hesitant to answer any questions on this board because those who are against the ones that spend 1,00 of hours away from their families and constantly are being bombarded with personnel attacks while having every word possible twisted to justify thier conduct. But your right, it's a shame that I have to take these step to insure that any situation is handled correctly And that STJFL survives as a league. So why would anyone be against all STJFL Rep wearing a GoPro to eliminate these adults that ruin such an event for children." Several problems with this reasoning Bobcat. From what you say, you apparently on the STJFL Board. What is your position title -- Security Foreman? Last I checked, I don't recall any such position being created by The Board Bylaws. Typically, you leave the control of unruly behavior to the police or hired security. More importantly, no where does it say that any Board member can use video of any kind to document alleged violations by coaches or parents. You are acting without any authority whatsoever. If you put that camera in my face, I would call the police and ask that you be detained for harassment. You are not the media and you again have NO AUTHORITY to be doing what you are doing. Most importantly did any of these coach volunteers agree to the use of this sort of documentation against them when they signed up to volunteer? No -- they did not because they have had no notice that such evidence would be used against them because it is not in your Bylaws. As I have said before, you four are making up the rules as you go. You cannot punish people for things that they do not know are violations. If the coaches take steps to move players around in order to not run up the score -- they have followed the spirit of the Mercy Rule and that is all that is required by the STJFL bylaws. If you don't want personal attacks, then don't act with such arrogance and retribution -- you are getting what you asked for. Be reasonable, even-handed and fair-minded in what you do and the majority will follow and respect you.
If only everyone could be so positive and respectful on the board. We could all live in peace and harmony and quash the need for Go Pro cameras and video "clips."
Oh. And I apologize to thetragichippy if I was less than clear. Everything I write is based in fact. Can't speak for those that are so misguided on the Board.
From our "Classy" STJFL Board Representative: "Give it a rest already. Theres a few people on your side but most everybody know that the league has to do something to keep scores in check. Did the board do this exactly right? = No. Do they have the kids of the whole league at heart and not just the rights of a few? = Yes. I saw a show on tv the other day and a dung beetle was pushing a turd ball up a hill and everytime he was just about to the top it fell all the way back down and he had to start all over. Now I would of liked to see him get his turd ball to the top of the hill but it was sure funny to watch him keep trying with the same result. Good luck with your turd ball." Anybody want to vote 'em out now? With this level of intelligence and sophistication, I hope the other teams not yet subject to his fiefdom see the wisdom in not letting someone like this be on a board that may (or may not) accuse you of some ethical wrongdoing. If he has no qualms speaking like this in public, what else will he do in private? Beware.
Wow - such class. Not
For future consideration by the Board From the By-laws: Article XVII, Section 1. "Should these by-laws now, or in the future become invalid, outdated, or judged to be detrimental, or in violation of any State or Federal guidelines, STJFL will immediately make arrangements to make the necessary amendments to ensure that this Association be in full and complete compliance." Article XVI, Section 1. "Any amendment to these by-laws must be made by a 2/3rds majority vote of STJFL board members present and voting at a regular or special called meeting. Each STJFL board member must be duly notified in writing at least 15 days in advance of the proposed vote or change. No by-law amendments will be made after the regularly scheduled meeting in May in the current calendar year of the STJFL. Amendments to the by-laws shall become effective immediately upon a proper vote."
what good does it do to run for the board when those that have been so unreasonable will just kick you off if you try to defend one of your coaches? hard to make any real progress there. . . . . these individuals are the ones ruining it for the children by forcing ridiculous probations and game forfeitures. my child knows nothing about what is going on - he does not play on the affected team. i am only hoping by having an open discussion we can foster some reach change in people (doubtful I'm sure) and inspire a more productive league for the future.
"But there are rules so don't break them." Where are these rules listed for these coaches to see? As far as I've seen, there is a definition of the Mercy Rule and the rest is open to subjective interpretation. Hence the abuse of power. Great response Icewater. Wish all could be so reasonable - would make this problem go away.
The Beaumont Coach did sub in his 2nd and 3rd string (my words - not his). One of those kids made an interception I believe. When another went to make a touch down, he was told to step out of bounds or something to that effect by someone (not sure if Lumberton or Bmt coach). The coach was clearly following the spirit of the rule. The Board came up with some BS about one of the kids playing 2nd or 3rd string was actually from the 1st string. They had video allegedly to support this but then wouldn't let the coach see it. He contests what they said. Keep in mind no one complained during the game.
My point Marie! No one knows how the Ethics Committee was created, how many reps are on the committee, what are they investigating, what warrants an investigation, number of votes required to punish and what the parameters are for punishment. This Board is acting with no real authority. In my opinion, their punishments are not even worth the paper they are written on.
It seems to me that some changes need to be made to the by-laws and code of conduct so coaches know ahead of time what they can and cannot do with specificity. There also needs to be some changes to the voting rules (what constitutes a quorum for example) and a definitive ban on having "secret" meetings without the full presence of all those on the board. It is a sad state of affairs that something like that even has to be put in writing. If the majority feels the need to keep the Mercy Rule then you need to establish a separate committee comprised of individuals who are unbiased (e.g. not coaches, don't have kids that play, etc.) to make these determinations. All in all, I think it is a waste of time and energy and you just need to get rid of the rule altogether. If someone truly runs up a score intentionally, they are their own worse enemy and will suffer eventually as a result. Yes, thetragichippy, I think a lot of people are considering another organization because of these antics -- not something to be proud of.