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Everything posted by injun

  1. Yeah he made good grades, that doesn't mean he should be an all district "Baseball" player.. I'm still waiting for those stats Shadow (I am more than sure you can get those if your willing)
  2. In My Opinion.. They would have won the State Championship at least two of the last three years.. PS: Sorry if the truth hurts..
  3. Find some "True Stats" for me.. How many errors did your All District 2nd baseman make this year... If you can't throw the ball from 2nd base to 1rst you do not deserve to be playing much less on the All District team.. I saw your coach yank a kid out from short stop, in the middle of an inning,for making a throwing error vs Needville (remember that) Yet we watched Bolton make, I'm guessing no less than 15 0r 20 E's this year and never missed a start...I'm sure that 15-20 is a "Very" low estimate I think he made 5 or 6 in the final Jasper series alone...
  4. Amen bro!!!!
  5. So your high school coach hasn't been pushing for you...Imagine that
  6. Maybe they should name it after Billy Bryant (LOL). He must be a better coach since "HE" has already been to Austin more times than Coach Young
  7. 10-4 on that..Even though I don't agree with it that is the way it has allways been...
  8. I'm not knocking the players I'm asking who picked the All District team???
  9. Have to question some of these picks..Anyone know how many of the 14 BC errors in the Jasper series were made by first team all district picks...These should be all around all-stars not just hitters.....
  10. There is really no need to respond to your idiotic reply. You were not at the game so you have no idea about what went on other than what you have read on these posts....
  11. You might want to use spell check if you have it on your computer....Did they not teach spelling where you went to school??
  12. This is almost funny , talking about Billy Bryant and Hall of Fame in the same sentance.......
  13. I can give you a list that will disagree with this statement..How many players from the last two years are we talking about?? (Both teams were state semifinalists)
  14. All I heard in this post is He did this and he did that..Funny how you want to give him all of the credit for the wins but no blame for the losses..I know errors were the biggest part of the losses to Jasper and I'm sure in your opinoin "HE" had nothing to do with losing these games..You guys always talk about how much talent this other team has and they didn't go to the Regionals or the World series..Alot of that has to do with the Chemistry of a team. Believe me there are a bunch of "Great Coaches" in MLB or the NBA that dont get to the big games simply because they didn't have the TALENT to get there..
  15. Thought you said you were not at the game...You don't have a clue....If you were not at this game I am quite sure you were not at many others this year...I have probably played,coached,umpired, and watched a few "thousand" games. I do know baseball..
  16. i was seated right behind the third base dugout nearly even with third base and I know for a fact he was more than ten feet past the bag...
  17. I really thought the score should have been 3 or 4 to nothing after 5 innings, but it wasn't. I think the first inning should have got BC a run or two but it didn't happen...Looked like it was going to be a big inning but didn't get the timely hits..You have to give some of that credit to the Jasper pitcher and defense..
  18. The last time I checked, this is a Message/Opinion board.. These are my opinons "only".. Like them or hate them I really don't care...
  19. Yes the last play of the game
  20. I am also tired of people taking up for him . This decision should have been made waaaay earlier.. i'm talking before the ball was even put in play. As a coach you must think of these situations as the batter steps into the batters box, and before someone chimes in , I know things can change in the middle of a play but I personaly think Joe would have scored. He had a full head of steam and was nearly half way to home. It still would have taken another good throw, and things have to go right with the catcher. But if you decide well I dont want to take the bat out of Dishon's hands(like I said make that decision while Bolton is in the batters box) he also had to know with a double by Bolton, Coach Mixon was going to take the bat out of Dishon's hands too...
  21. Sorry Shadow I can do alot of things but predicting the lottery is not one of them..What I can do is "See", and I see your coach just along for the ride with a talented team....
  22. I am by no means saying Bryant is 100% to blame for this loss . But he has to take part of the blame.. My Opinion
  23. You are 100% correct He made no coaching mistakes and had no part in this loss...B### S##T
  24. You beat me to the punch on that one ..I agree..What was the 2nd baseman doing??
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