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Everything posted by jhsbulldog

  1. Jasper coverage back on. I'll try to update as much as can
  2. they shouldn't have gotten so cocky. but having said that i don't want to speak to soon.
  3. Well come if you want. Just one Question. What happened to all the Jasper fans when they got behind. They were all big and bad at first, but we shut'em up. never in all the time ive been on setxs sports have i seen players be so disrespectful. we didnt bring our best last night. but you've ticked some guys off. and i can't believe your coaches would let yall talk so disrespectfully. it looks bad on your town and your team. never has any player from jasper got on here and bashed another team. you know why cause coach mixon would pop the mess out of em. our program teaches character and respect for other players. dont come in to the game tomorrow big headed. we wont go without a fight.
  4. your not that kid who came over to ourside talking noise are you.?
  5. i've always thought it was flawed to say that the mvp had to come from the best team. theres some players who are better that get put on a worse team. one guy cant win it all.
  6. jasper by 2. i think jasper was still working out kinks with hiting at the first bc game. they fielded great though but that game shows that if bats arent swinging one good hit out can lose you a game.
  7. in 1997 jasper has close to 988 students. according to that years yearbook. i cant believe they have only 813 now.
  8. i think slendora is just a touch sensitive that everyone is rooting for jasper, who after last seasons little fiasco wasnt really expected to do much.
  9. Jasper Holds Tiger Feast, Adds Bones To the Yard.
  10. 100-0 easy. ;D j/k but seriously i could see them gettin at least 70 points
  11. who would jasper be left to play with. Kirbyville and hj and hf. we'd be forced to play school from even further away than they are now.
  12. i would have to disagree. doing drugs and then blaming it on the fact that you drank some alcohol at one time is ridiculous. not allowing any kind of drinking is not reasonable either. alot of friends i know their parent dont allow any drinking and they're always the drunkest ones around at parties. if parents teach their kids to drink responsibly and not binge drink then this whole alcohol must be a gateway drug mess would not be a problem.
  13. ;D boo friggin who.
  14. Go Jackets.!!!!!!
  15. why we have beat em before what makes this different. they'll give us a tough game which is good but there isnt any reason why we'd suddenly not be good against either team
  16. jasper plays soccer games on their football field. but we don't practice on it.
  17. ok so building muscle doesnt increase the weight of your body is this is what your saying? i find that hard to believe since muscle is heavier than fat based on density not the fact that a pound= a pound but it takes more fat to make a pound than it does muscle. so since protein helps build muscles since that basically what muscle is mostly made of we would come to the conclusion that protein would infact be a weight gainer. however it does appear that you would not be confused by any facts.
  18. Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. Your muscles, your organs, and your immune system are made up mostly of protein.
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