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  1. Was this a baseball game?
  2. Easy with that one, made the same remark in another thread a few weeks ago and they were coming to get me lol
  3. Hawks are always tough at home. Will be a good test for the Lions - HJ by 14
  4. Share your interests, this is your safe space.
  5. Another interesting reply to another take.
  6. Shots won't, masks will somewhat. Shots only make the virus suck less when you get it.
  7. Heard the Broaddus/Spurger game was postponed, not sure why. COVID related I'd imagine, who knows.
  8. Haven't seen the eagles play yet this year but I've seen warren, was woodville missing someone? This is a surprisingly close score.
  9. This district will most definitely come down to the wire, wouldn't be surprised to see a 3-way tie between Buna, Kountze, EC.
  10. No I understood that to be what he meant, just a differing of opinions in the end.
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