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Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

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Everything posted by Whoopi Goldberg's Lips

  1. The good news is Jimbo knows how to play with top ACC teams like this so next year's Belk Bowl will be a lot different!
  2. Well that escalated quickly...
  3. Who do we root for here? The University of TAMU?
  4. DaShaun White sure liked it. [Hidden Content] But don't worry Mack, Jumbo will swoop in and save the day!
  5. As a white man playing a black woman on the internets, DO NOT say this to white Georgia fan!
  6. Those of you heading this way tonight, be careful for the wet roads. It's slicker than owl poop out there and these people be driving crazy! Oh and hook em!
  7. More accolades for our mighty mite! [Hidden Content]
  8. ^^Eww! Fancy! Gerogia!! That's fun to say!
  9. ^^^ Pretty much. I has a depression.
  10. Sounds like Mama Warren was in on this action as well.
  11. Looks like these pieces were of the fictional variety. Chip is too egotistical to admit when he's caught, so he's doubling down. Steve Buechele has threatened him with libel and slander, so he deleted that portion. In his words, out of fairness to Shane. Long story short, Chip Brown is the Taylor Hamm of UT football.
  12. I don't think a moral victory is ever as good as a actual win over a P5 school.
  13. 10-3 tceh after one qtr. Something tells me USF will lose this game by some ridiculous special teams gaff.
  14. Merry Festivus to you, too, Bobby!
  15. Just talked to a buddy in Victoria. He's got a roof leak, a tree on his chicken coup, and his neighbor's barn is in his yard. But his house is still there so that's good. Prayers go to those poor folks down there in that area. We just had a pretty nasty rain band come through Kemah that dumped about 3" in about an hour. If this keeps up for the next 3-4 days, we're proper screwed.
  16. At least you can enjoy that dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts inside the stadium! Nothing says morning tailgates like 100 degrees, Budweiser, and fat pills!
  17. He's simply following the Charlie Strong recruiting method of excellence!!
  18. Just shooting from the hip....your mom??
  19. Just here to question when aggy are we is gonna change the banner at the top of the page? "Ten years serving SE TX" has been plastered up there for about 18 months now!
  20. I hope Mrs.Horn and the other incoming board members nip this in the bud. What a terrible hire this was in the first place. Who hires a super with a gag order in place against his previous school district???
  21. This is outstanding news! As a former letterman, couldn't be prouder of this team persevering through the issues at home. Now let's finish the job.
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